(Chapter 5)~The Great Encounter

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That's me by the way, I looked like miku, once again the photos aren't mine, I don't really have mint green hair and sky blue eyes

Enjoy Minna!


'Shhh it's a secret'

"Meet me at the school grounds after launch" the girl named 'Micah' said

"Okaaaaaay....." I said unsure

"Great! see ya!"


~_~_~_~_~ a little time skip~_~_~_~_~

The class went fast and I remember that the girl I met is in the school grounds and I saw the girl her back facing me, waiting for me

"Yo!" She said when she turn around to face me

"Umm...how did you know my name?"

"Oh yeah that, *giggles* I know that you don't live here and where you live I lived you could say that we lived at the same town but one night I woke up in the middle of a park and there I saw you with mikage talking I am too, confused why Nanami isn't here and if your wondering why I know all this, it's because I watch the anime too, oh before I forgot can I live with you cause the shrine that have given to me is destroyed"

"Okaay, how did you have a shrine?"

"Because I'm a goddess too"

"And what kind exactly and how come I didn't see your mark?"

"Flora and founa god and I can write in talisman too"

"How did you got it?"

"When I saw you and Mikage talking a goddess has appear in front of me and she put a hand on her mouth then it glowed she put the hand on my right eye it glowed again and soon disappear with the goddess"

"Oh okay I will let you live with me"

"Yay thank you so much!" She said hugging me I laugh at her attitude

~~~time skip after school~~~

"Hi (y/n)!"

"Oh Micah ready to go?"

"Yes!" She replied

'wow this girl is energetic'

We we're walking back to the shrine when Micah spoke up

"Ah, hey (y/n)?" She asked, I hummed in respond

"Do you think Tomoe will like me staying at 'your' shrine?"

"I don't know, but he will don't worry"

"Okay thank you again, no one did this for me when we we're at (insert your town here) everybody bullied me"

"Yeah I know how you feel I got bullied too when my parents died but I'm okay with it I don't care"

"Oh I'm sorry, what happen to them, if you don't mind me asking"

"They died in a car accident" I said giving her a sad smile and started walking again

"Can we be friends?"


"Oh, okay" she said looking down

"*chuckle* I mean we can't be just friends but will you be my older/little sister?"

"Yes, YES! I would love too!!" She said hugging me

"Lets go home older/little sister"

"Okay, how old are you?"

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