Chapter 30 It's time

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Read My New Story: Capture My Heart  (Werewolves)

--------------- Annie's POV-----------------
( I hope you like the wedding dress I posted a picture of it )
---------- 2 months later----------

Well the day has finally come where I get to marry niall horan the love of my life and nothing can run it............ Or can it

Any way the girls helped me pick out my dress and its gorgeous( you can see the picture of it on the side hope you like it)

So Alyssa was the maid of honor Eleanor Danielle and perrie are the brides maid and zayn louis harry liam are the best man and everything is ready

Niall is in the alter waiting for me and I am with the girls almost ready to go.

I came out with my wedding dress on and the girls looked at me smiling and also my mom was there crying.

" Omg you looks so pretty you are so perfect for niall" the girls said excitedly and screaming with joy

My mom was standing near me with a tissue in her hand crying

" mommy are you OK" I asked her quietly

" I'm fine sweatie it just that my little girl is growing UP so fast" she said still crying and came to hug me"

" aww mom don't cry I'll always be your little girl" I said while rubbing her back

I hope I don't cry I don't want to ruin the make up but I hate it but its my wedding and I have too

My mom took a picture of all of us and it was time

The girls walked out first and finally it was my turn

I took a deep breath and started walking people turned around and was staring at me Omg this is so awkward

As I was walking niall looked at me and is mouth dropped and smiled widely and I blushed

I finally got there and we said our vows and other stuff and it was finally here

" niall horan do you take Annie Jones to be your wife" the man said

" I do" niall said

" Annie Jones do you take niall horan to be you husband" he asked

" I do" I said

" then I present you Mr and Mrs horan you may now kiss the bride" he said

Niall wrapped his arm around my waist and dipped me and leaned in and so did I and our lips finally touched it was a sweet kiss and we finally pulled away and niall smiled at me.

Omg I'm finally his wife my dream just came true I love him

The night went on and everything was amazing I even danced with niall although I'm the worst dancer in the world I think I did well


1 year later

well me and niall are husband and wife and i couldn't wish for anything else

me and niall are sleeping together don't say anything about that and beside he's my husband and I have to sleep with him

Well any way it was morning I opened my eyes and the beautiful light of the sun was shining through our window I looked at niall who was sleeping peacefully aww he's snoring slightly that is so cute

I closed my eyes I was still tired but then my stomach started to hurt And suddenly I felt like I was going to throw up I tried to get up and niall arm was around me tightly I pulled it of carefully and rushed to the bathroom and I let it out when I was done I was about to get up but it came again and again and one more time

Oh no what's happening to me

Oh no what happens if I'm pregnant what will niall do I took a test and when I fineshed I looked at it

It said


Oh no how do I tell niall what happens if he doesn't like it what do I do well the only way I can know is by telling him I walked out of the bathroom and walked to our room but I couldn't find him

Where can he be

" niall where are you" I said

" in the kitchen babe" he said

I slowly walked there and saw him makeing breakfast

" n-niall i-i have too tell you something " I said softly and slowly the tears came. Really do I have to be so emotional about this

Niall dropped the spatula and rushed over to me and tightly hugged me.

" what's wrong princess please tell me don't cry I'm right here" he said soothingly

" I um uh I" I stuttered why won't the words come out

" babe come on you can tell me" he said

" I um I'm pregnant " I finally said

I whipped the tears and looked up at him he was frozen oh no why me why me

" n-niall" I said

No answer

" niall I'm s..." But before I could fineshed he did something that surprised me

" oh my god oh my god oh my god I'm gonna be a dad i m finally gonna be a dad this is the second best day ever" he said and twirled me around

" oh yeah then what was your best day ever" I asked confused

" marrying you princess " he said and put me down and kissed me softly.



Next chapter coming in three days sorry school started and I already have lots of homework but don't worry I won't stop the story here I will continue writing but the story is slowly coming to an end so watch out comment and vote about the story
I love you guys bye

~ Nazia Horan

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