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California was hotter then Rose expected, especially around this time of year. Even though she was wearing shorts her legs still seemed to be drenched is sweat. Her mum, on the other hand, seemed to be perfectly fine in her summer dress and hat. She had probably spent a lot of time over here so it made sense she'd be used to it by now.

Rose hadn't left the house much since they'd gotten here. Not that that was an issue, Tim and Helena liked it better when the kids would stay inside. Billy had explained that, in America, the public weren't afraid to get in famous peoples faces. This fact alone made her nervous for today but, other then the odd stare and point, no one had done anything yet. Maybe Billy was just being dramatic.

Helena had taken Rose out to go shopping. There were so many shops over here that they didn't have back home and Rose wanted to experience them. Forever 21, hot topic and many more were packed with trendy clothes you couldn't find anywhere in England. Rose found herself in designer shops surprised when her mum reminded her she could buy stuff.

"You can get that bag Rosie, you don't just have to look at it." She said with a chuckle and a motherly smile. Rose's eyes lit up. She could get that bag. In fact Rose could barely carry all the things she'd bought by the time they got back to the house but not all of it was for her; she'd gotten things for Nell and Billy as well.

It didn't get dark till very late. Everyone was fast asleep, everyone but Rose. It was one of those nights. They'd be going back to England at the end of the week and with Christmas fast approaching Rose couldn't help but remember last year.

"Open it open!" Emily said as Rose careful peeled the wrapping paper back. Emily and Rose had always exchanged presents on the last day of the school term. Never anything expensive but always something well thought out.

"I -" Rose didn't know what to say. Inside the wrapping was a small picture frame with an image of the two of them when they were younger. It was small enough to fit in her pocket but it still managed to make Roses heart swell. "I don't know what to say, now my gift looks rubbish." Rose said finishing off with a laugh.

"Well I love it." Emily said holding up the charm bracelet Rose had gotten her. "I'll never take it off!"



Rose got out of bed, maybe the long walk to and from the kitchen would make her sleepy. On her way down she saw the lights of the patio were still on. Rose hurried through the living room to turn them off thinking someone had left them on but she saw her mum sitting out side. Opening the large glass door a crack Rose whispered "mum?" Helena jumped round quickly relaxing once she saw who it was.

"What are you doing up?" She asked coming inside.

"I couldn't sleep..." Rose said looking down but she could ask her the same question.

"Rosie, you can talk to me about any thing." Helena said pulling her daughter into a hug. "I've notice the past few weeks you've been... withdrawn. What's wrong."

Rose wanted to say that nothing was wrong, it would be a lie but one that would be for the better. However, she didn't find herself lying instead Rose opened her mouth to speak but was silence by her own tears.

"Aww baby come here," Helena said sitting them down on a near by sofa. Tim's furniture wasn't as comfortable as Helena's but anything was better then standing at the moment. "What is it?"

"I just." Rose got out in between sniffles "it's a lot of things... Emily... this." She said gesturing around the room.

"Calm down sweetie." Helena said rubbing her back. "What happened with Emily. Nelly told me she's your best friend?" At that Rose began to cry even more, she was her best friend at times her only friend.

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