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Tim was everything she could have hoped for and more. He was kind, funny, smart but most of all he cared about her. Truly cared about her. He wanted to listen and learn about Rose. To catch up on all that he'd missed. He's eyes lighting up when ever she mentioned something he enjoyed or did too; allowing him to tell a tale from his own childhood. Billy and Nell had gone to bed hours before Rose did. It was almost two in the morning when Helena had reluctantly put an end to the farther daughter bonding. Rose drifted off quicker than the night before, maybe due to the fact she stayed up so late.

Rose woke up in a haze blinking slowly out of her dream. The first thought that crossed her mind was how thirsty she was. She had forgotten to take a bottle of water to bed with her. Looking at her clock she saw the time was only three in the morning so she'd only been asleep an hour. Walking down to the kitchen she heard talking, well, it sounding more like hushed yelling. Getting closer to the door she peeped in seeing her mum and dad in there.

"Why didn't you phone ahead?" Her mum said in an accusatory manner.

"I wanted to surprise her. Is that a crime?" Tim said bluntly. Rose fiddled with her pyjama top. She felt uncomfortable, hearing her parents argue about her.

"You could have told me!" Helena retorted. "You never visit any more Tim... I miss you."

"I miss you too Hellie." He said walking towards her and lifting her chin so she was looking up at him. "I'm sorry, i want to try again, I still love you."

"I still love you too." Helena said leaning into his touch. "I want to too. I love you." Rose looked away but she knew they were kissing. Seeing Andy and Mia kiss always made her want to run and hide and this was no different. Maybe even worse since they were her real parents. Not wanting to draw attention to herself Rose creeped back to her room, getting a drink form a near by bathroom sink instead. Getting back in bed she somehow felt more at peace then she did when she first slipped under the covers, she was whole, her family was whole, everything was as it should.


"I just haven't seen you in months Rose!" Emily cried down the phone. She'd been asking to hang out all last week but Rose kept declining. She'd been spending time with her family and with the trip to the states closing in she didn't think she have time any way. "I wanna meet everyone! Please Rose?"

"Em, I can't. Billy and I already have plans." Rose half lied. The plans weren't really something that couldn't be avoided but she didn't want to be around Emily today. It sounded horrible but she knew she'd have a million questions and then a million more. "Sorry Em, we can hang out soon don't worry." Rose hung up before her friend had time to respond. Rushing to put on her coat Rose headed out side where she'd find Billy.

"Hey," He said jumping slightly at Roses sudden appearance. "So this is them, cute right?" Roses eyes widened as she looked upon the large hutch. She counted at least 15 Rabbits and who knows how many more there were. According to Billy they didn't quite know how many either.

"Mum started breeding them after she did that movie. The Wallace and Gromit one." He said with a laugh. Rose remember watching that movie with Mia. Andy had never let her watch movies like that.

"Do you want to hold one?" Billy said with a smirk as he held up the key to the cage. The morning went fast; chasing rabbits and making daisy chains in the The large garden attached to the house. Rose loved the garden. The house she lived in before hardly had one but this place almost had its own field. Wild flowers and grass as far as the eye could see. It wasn't very well kept but it was still gorgeous to be hold.

"Rose!" She heard her mum call as she walked over. "Hi sweeties." she said pulling her children into a hug. Billy seemed a little embarrassed but Rose didn't mind. Helena was very affectionate and Rose loved having hugs every time they saw each other.

"Rose I want to speak to you, alone," her tone of voice shifted slightly. It seemed heavy like Rose had done something. She felt her heart sink. What if she had done something wrong. Rose couldn't handle being yelled at. Not after everything that happened. She followed Helena, scared of where they were going.

"What's wrong?" Rose asked nervously. "Did I do something?"

"Oh no, you haven't done anything Rosie. I just wanted to take you somewhere important." They walked in silence. Helena had become very somber, almost as if she was grieving. The walk was longer then Rose had anticipated. They turned a corner and Rose found herself shocked at where they were. A grave yard. "I was debating weather or not to show you this but I think it for the best."

Walking through the graves Helena suddenly stopped. Looking down Rose saw her name. Her mind rushed. Part of her knew this would be the case. That somewhere there was something marking her death but to see it in person made her dizzy. It was like gazing upon the future but really it was an alternate universe where she had died before even taking her first breath. Once again Rose didn't register the fact she was crying till it was far to late. She turned to her mum, burying her face into her side.

"Shhh don't cry. I'm sorry Rose," Helena said trying to calm her daughter. The shushing seemed to work as Roses water works died down.

"Is anyone..." Rose trailed off but Helena knew what she was asking. The shake of her head gave Rose the closure she needed. There was no one in that grave as she was alive, no one else had died under her name.

"They never gave us the body," Helena let out a chuckle "it's funny, something like that would destroy another mother, but not seeing you dead gave me hope. Hope that you were still out there and you were." She said leading her back toward the exit.

"What's going to happen to the tombstone?" Rose asked.

"I don't know but when the public find out I suppose we might have to get rid of it." She said with a smile.

"People don't know yet?" Rose said in confusion.

"Sort of, obviously some people know, but the general public? No we thought it would be better to give you time to relax without cameras down you throat." Helena once again giving a smirk and Rose couldn't help but smile too.

When they got back to the house Rose went straight up to her room. Hoping to call Emily to arrange a time to hang out. She only recently gotten her phone it was a gift from Tim and she wasn't quite ready to let it leave the safety of her room yet. Looking at the lock screen she was shocked to see 5 missed calls from Em. Thinking something might be wrong she immediately called back.

"Hey Em it's—"

"I know Rose." Rose was taken aback by here tone she seemed angry.

"Are you okay?" Rose asked

"Don't act like you care, just fuck off." Emily hung up the the phone. Rose stood in shock, what had she done. Quickly she called her friend back.

"Emily please, what did I do?"

"You don't want to be friends any more do you. All you want to do is hang out with your famous family! I bet you have new famous friends now and every thing!" Emily was practically yelling down the phone.

"Is this all because I didn't want to hang out with you today?" Rose said trying not to get angry.

"You never want to hang out with me ever any more! You haven't been going to school either! I had to find out from our form mrs Python that you moved!"

"Gosh I'm sorry!" Rose yelled, now she was mad, "I just found out that my entire life was a lie, but no I should have made more time for you!"

"I would have!" Emily yelled before hanging up a second time.

Her words rung through Roses mind. 'Of course she'd say she would have' she thought to herself, 'but it's not that easy.' Taking in a deep breath Rose let her anger subside. She was then over come with a a horrible feeling. She regretted yelling, she regretted all of this. Falling down to the floor with her head in her hands Rose began to silently cry. She'd been doing a lot of that recently.

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