Chapter 19 (Part 3 ~ ONC #13)

Start from the beginning


I nodded and took a deep breath. Just a fence to jump and then run into the darkness. Pray that no one sees us.

"We're never going to make it."

"Sure we will."

Then he paused.

"And now I remember the biggest reason that I wanted you to be fully transformed. You won't be able to match me in speed. I won't be seen, but you might be."

"Right," I said derisively. "Those lightning fast reflexes that always seem to involve a knife of some sort."

Constantino huffed a soft laugh.

"Tell you what. I'll take the bags up and be back before you even cross the road."

"Of course you will. Don't forget the fences."

"There's more than that one?"

"It's a tourist site; they have roped paths that would be perfect for you to trip over in your super speed. Have fun, smart guy."

We swapped things, and he took off, leaving me to carefully hold the box and key as I crossed the road.

"Told you so." He said eagerly when I got to the fence.

"Great," I said, rolling my eyes. "Take this, and this. Go and see if it starts to do anything."

And I'll start running once I get over the wire.

My foot got caught, and I struggled to get it free. With a yelp, I fell to the grass. It was good timing because a car approached. Remaining still, I waited for it to pass and then got up to run. Ahead of me, I could see the glow growing, a shadowed figure moving around in the circle.

By the time I reached Constantino, I was out of breath and had a cramp. Lethargy began to strike me as I leaned on one of the stones. Constantino had placed the stone in the centre of the circle then put the key back into the hole. As he turned it, the stone circle shifted.

I gasped, watching as the enormous stones moved like they were nothing but a part of a mechanism.

"Grab the bags, Lucy."

Lifting one over my head, I picked up the other two and walked over to him. This was it; this was where I said goodbye to the Earth and to those that I'd loved and lost. My parents would always be a part of my memories no matter where I was, but the fact that I'd never be able to visit their plaques made my mood lower again. I'd miss my sister, but she wouldn't care that I was gone. 

We hadn't spoken in years; she hated how things had turned out. Both of us were given exactly the same education and the best start in our young lives. I worked hard, studied whenever I could and got to the places where I wanted to be. Kylie, on the other hand, she slacked off because she was too busy trying to get the boys to pay attention to her. She was caught smoking in the bathroom at school, and it went down from there. Being the older twin was undoubtedly a hard life, and she made it known that it was the case.

The circle shifted again when Constantino turned the key. Things clunked, and some of the stones began to lift. I stared in wonder until I heard something. Blinking hard, I frowned and turned to the sound.

"Uh, we're about to get a lot of company."

"I'm getting there," Constantino grumbled. "The combination is not easy to crack, you know."

The stones kept moving, and the guards kept running. Did they want to know what we were doing or how we were doing it?

Stepping back, I kept an eye on the guards while trying to get closer to Constantino. The sooner we got through the gate, the better.

I gasped when one of the stones moved up onto the posts, becoming a lintel. It snapped into place like it was as light as a feather. As I turned to the circle, I kept seeing the stones moving, shifting into the right spot. The glow grew and, on the motorway, I saw that cars had stopped. This world now knew that Stonehenge was something entirely different. 


Interesting fact about Stonehenge (Not a part of the competition)

According to

"It wasn't until 1977 that the mounting of Stonehenge's rock structures became explicitly prohibited. The decree followed significant erosion of the stones from their human interactions. That may sound wild, but things were even crazier until the early 20th century—tourists were given chisels to facilitate souvenir-taking!"

Is this correct? If it isn't, comment and let me know!

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