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Bailey's P.O.V

It has been a month now since me and Harry got back together. And things couldn't have been better. Today Rebecca came over to visit for a while.

"I'm happy that yoyu and Harry got back together. You two are perfect for each other." Rebecca said.

"Thanks, how's it going with you and Niall?" I asked Rebecca.

"Oh things with me and Niall are going great." Rebecca said smiling.

"I'm glad to hear that. I've  meet Harry's family for the first time. His family is so nice, they really liked me. I like them as well. Harry's mom showed me some baby pictures of Harry. He  was so adorable as he is today." I said smiling.

"You did cool, I bet Harry was embarrassed his mom showed you his baby pictures."

"He was but I thought it was cute, how he started to blush."

"I bet so. OMG theirs a huge costume sale at the mall. You should come with me and buy a costume." Rebecca said excited when she saw on her phone a huge costume sale at the mall.

"I don't know, I really don't wear a costume on Halloween any more." I said.

"Not even for Halloween partys?" Rebecca asked.

"Well maybe if I was going to a Halloween party I would."

2 minutes later my phone rings and it was Harry. So I answered my phone to see what he wanted.


"Hi Bailey I'm calling cause I was wondering, if you wanted to go with me to a  costume party. Their be tons of other people there, like Ed Sheeran, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Michael, Ashton, Calum, Luke, Liam, Niall, Louis, and many more. So what you say would you like to go,to s costume party next Friday with me?" Harry asked me.

"Ummm well I don't know, if I do go someone would have to watch Kylie." I said.

"Well I could see if my mom wouldn't mind watching Kylie that night."

"Ok I guess I'll go then."

"Great I'll give my mom a call, and see if she'll watch Kylie that night. Oh I'll pick you up earlie around 4:00pm. So we can take Kylie to my moms if she can watch her, bye Bailey." Harry said.

"Ok bye Harry." I said and we both hung up.

After I hung up with Harry Rebecca asked me.

"So what did Harry want, which I assume was Harry who called ya?" Rebecca said and asked.

"Ya it was Harry. He wanted to know if I wanted to go with him to a costume party next Friday." I said .

"So are you going?"

"Well I told Harry I would go with him."

"Cool, cause I'm going too with Niall. This Friday we'll go to the mall and look for a costume for the party."

"Well I guess we could, since their be on sale when we get our cosumes."

"Yep, and great I'll be over here Friday around 5:00pm so we can go to the mall."

"Ok cool, I'll be right back Kylies crying."

"Ok I won't be going anywhere."

I left the living room and went to check on Kylie. When I walked in Kylie nursery room, I picked her up and changed her diapper. Once that was done, I brought Kylie out  and I handed Rebecca Kylie. So I could get her a bottle ready to feed her. When the bottle was ready I came back to the Living room.

"Oh may I feed Kylie?" Rebecca asked.

"Sure here's that bottle." I said handing the bottle to Rebecca.

"Thanks, she's gotten bigger since I last saw her."

"She sure has Kylie a joy in my life."

"So who's gonna watch Kylie next Friday?"

"Well Harry gonna see if his mom could watch her for a while that night."

"So Harry's mom gonna watch her cool."

"Oh just got a text from Harry. He says his mom would be more than welcome to watch Kylie next Friday." I said and texted Harry back sayingg sounds good.

Later that day when Kylie had fallin asleep again. I put her in her crib and turned on the baby monitor, and walked out the door and shutted it. I went to the kitchen and made me and Rebecca some tea.

"Here's you a nice cup of tea." I said handing Rebecca a cup of tea.

"Why thank you Bailey." Rebecca said.

"Your welcome,oh The Big Bang theory on, and I like this one. Well I like all of the episodes." I said when I turned the tv on.

Rebecca and I watched tv for a while. After watching tv for an hour, I decieded to order us some chinese food for dinner. Once the food  arrived I paid the guy for the food. Then shutted the door, and brought our dinner in the living room. By the time I was about to eat my dinner Kylie was crying. So I put my foos on the coffee table and went to changed her diapper. Then I rocked her back to sleep. So once I came back to the living room, I finally started eating my dinner.

Acouple of days later on a Friday Niall watched Kylie while me and Rebecca went to the mall. To get a costume for Friday which was Halloween. We looked at so many costume, I finally found me a perfect costume in my size. The costume I choosen was princess Jasmine. I also got a wig that was like hers. Rebecca costume she got was Princess Peach. So we paid the cashier for our costume, and headed out back home. On the way back we stopped and ordered pizza, and brought it back to my place to eat. When we got back to my place  I saw that everything was fine with Kylie, and she was sleeping in her crib. Me Rebecca and Niall dugg into the pizza and eat like pigs. Later that night Niall and Rebecca  went home. I got myself ready for bed. I changed into my PJ's and crawled into bed and turne out the lights.

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