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Harry's P.O.V

It's been 2 weeks now since Kylie was born. I haven't seen her since then, I really wanna see my own daughter. I decied to go over to Baileys place to see my own daughter. When I got there I knock on the door. When the door opened I was greeted by micheal.

'What are you doing answering the door?" I asked when I saw him

"Oh I'm staying here for a while to help out." Michael said.

"Oh well I came to see my own daughter. I haven't seen her since she was born." I said.

"Ya I know, why don't you come on in." Michael said and let me inside.

We walked into the living room were Bailey and Kylie were. When Bailey saw me she was shocked ti see me. She didn't look to happy to see me here.

"What are you doing here?" Bailey said.

"I'm here ti see my own daughter, I haven't seen here since she was born."

"Would you want to hold her? Bailey asked me.

"I sure would." I said.

Bailey got up and handed me Kylie. Then she left and went in the kitchen. It was just me and Kylie and Michael until Michael left to use the bathroom.

"Hey Kylie I'm your daddy  and I love you. I want you to know I'll always be here for you. I'm not going to let my realationship between me and you get messed up. Like I did with your mother, which I really miss your mother. I've  done something which I never meant to do. I may not be perfect with having a realationship, but at least I'm trying. But anyways I'm glad  your my daughter and in my life. I'm gonna try ans see you as  much as I can." I said to Kylie .

A Minute later Michael came back from the bathroom.

"How's Kylie doing?" Michael asked.

"She's fine Michael, I wish Bailey would stop being mad at me." I said.

"I wish she would too." Michael said.

"Michael can you take Kylie for me. I'm gonna go talk to Bailey." I said.

"Yes I'll take Kylie." Michael said and I handed Kylie to him.

I walked in the kitchen to talk to Bailey. I can't take it anymore of her not  talking to me, with out being mad at me.

"Bailey It's me." I said when I walked in the kitchen.

"I'm leaving, I'm not  going to talk to you." Bailey said and got up and started heading iut he kitchen.

"Bailey don't go, and listen to me and let me talk. I'm tired of us fighting. Don't you shut me out." I said a bit angry.

"Why shouldn't I Harry huh, I'm sick and tired of your crap. Just leave ne alone Harry."Bailey yelled then cryed  and ran to her room.

Bailey's P.O.V

I ran into my room crying. I still love him, Harry that's who. But Harry hurt me bad when he got drunk and had sex and apparently slept with name Clair. And got pregnant. I can't even look at him or speak to him with out being angry at him. Harry such a dick, I hate him. Why can't he just move on already I have. What does he want from me? If he wants me to forgive him he can forget it. No matter how much he try's to get me to forgive him, it's not gonna work. 15 Minutes later I hear my door open, and saw Harry walk in and shut the door.

"GET OUT HARRY, GET OUT!" I yelled and Harry said nothing, but walked up to me and wiped my tears away."HARRY LEAVE ME ALONE." I yelled Crying.

"I hate seeing you hurt Bailey. I know I shouldn't get your forgiveness. I know you bloody hate me, and dead out angry." Harry said looking down.


"CAUSE I LOVE YOU, AND CARE ABOUT YOU TO MUCH!" Harry said angry teary eyed and kissed me on the lips. Then I slapped him in the face.


"I'm sorry  Bailey, I'm gonna go now." Harry said and left out of my room.

Harry's P.O.V

Bailey had slapped me in the face. I ran out of her bedroom, and out the front door to my car crying. As I'm driving back to my place, I'm trying to see the road. But I couldn't see the road to well, casue of my crying that  I ran into a tree. I hit a tree pretty hard that I was knocked out.

Louis's P.O.V

I went  for a jog and I had  saw a car crashed into a tree. It looked like it was Harry's car. I ran over to the car and sure enough it was Harry's car. Harry was Knocked out and hurt really bad. I called the ambulance  to come and take Harry ti the hospital. An hour later they brought Harry to a room, and I went in to see him. He was still not awake yet.

"Harry you better wake up soon, I don't think you should die." I said upset, then Harry woke up.

"Where am I?" Harry asked when he woke up.

"Im the hospital, you crashed into a tree pretty badly and had to go to the hospital. Luckily I found you and called the ambulance to come get you." I said.

"I'm so stupid, I put myself in the hospital, cause all the crying over Bailey!" Harry said Angry at himself.

"Don't talk to yourself like that. Your not that stupid, your just an idoit who loves Bailey and care about her. Love can sometimes make you do stuoid things." I said.

"Louis I told Bailey how much I loved her and care about her. Then I kissed her, which was stupid of me. She slapped me, I guess she is truely over me. I guess it's time to move on with my life." Harry said.

"So that means, your single again."

"But I'm not ready to date anybod for a long while."

"That's fine Harry I understand."

Harry's P.O.V

A month later after what had happend to me. I was finally starting to get over  Bailey. Today Bailey was dropping  Kylie off to see her, and spend a day with her. I'm excited to see my daughter Kylie. I love Kylie so much I'm happy to have her in my life.

----------------What are your guys thought's about this chapter and story so far. I hope you guys are enjoying this. I glad that  I have people reading this that are enjoying it and like it. Comment below, vote, fan. what do you think  might happen in the next chapter. Well all I can tell you about the next chapter is their  going to some happy emontial moment's in it. but you'll gonna have to read the next chapterto find out with that is.--------------Hihiangelgirls

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