Chapter 13

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Harry's P.O.V
When I saw Bailey starting to leave before letting me  explain. Bailey just kept on walking. I heard her drive off. I looked over at Claire and said.

"I really don't know what all happened last. But all I know is waking up to you in my bed was not at all that should have happened." I said a little mad.

"Harry oh but it did happen. Let me tell yah it was easy getting you to sleep with me." Claire  smirked.

"You took advantage of me when I was drunk. I don't love you, heck we're not dating. Get out of my place now. Before I call the cops." I yelled.

"Shhhhh....... Harry clam down," Claire said and kissed me on the lips.

"What the FUCK!, don't you ever kiss me. I have a girlfriend, which I hope I still do. Her name is Bailey, the one who came over to see me. She is mad at me thanks to you." I yelled pushing Claire off me.

"Oh that ugly Bitch your girlfriend. She's so fat and not even that pretty." Claire laughed.

"She's only fat cause she carring our child inside their. Bailey id beautiful, how dare you call her ugly. You really need to get out now." I yelled at Claire.

"I'm not  leaving, now let go make out in your room." Claire said winking at me and grabbed my arm.

"Bitch I'm not doing that, how many times do I have to tell you to leave. Or else I'm calling the cops, and  I mean it I will if you don't leave." I said and moved her hand from mine really fast. And Claire  fell on the floor.

" Fine I'll leave, Just don't call the cops." Claire said.

So 20 minutes later Claire finally left. I can't believe I've gotten myself drunk last night to have slept with a girl I barely knew. I really need to  go  fine Bailey. So I got dressed and grabbed my phone , my car keys and head out the door. And drove to her place. Once I arrived to her house, I turned the car off and I got out of the car and knock on  her door.  After 5 knocks she answered the door.

"Oh it's you go away I'm not speaking to you." Bailey said and slamed the  door on me. So I knocked on the front door again. She answered  it then about to shut it on me again. When I reached and stopped the door.

"Bailey, let me explain. I know your mad right now but please hear me out." I said.

"You've got 10 minutes to say what ever you have to say then you must leave." Bailey said and let me inside.

"Bailey what happened between Claire and I was dumb. Yeah I slept with her, But it wasn't like I ment to sleep with her. It just happened.

"yeah right like it just happened." Bailey yelled.

" Bailey calm down  don't put pressure on the baby. I was drunk and didn't know what I was doing at the time." I said trying to calm, her down.

"Sure you were, you expect me  to believe that. What  you think I'm an idoit." Bailey yelled rolling her eyes.

"I  never said your an idoit. It's true bailey I was drunk. All  I remember was hanging out at a club with the boys. We ended up playing a drinking game and that's all I remember." I said to Bailey. and she just rolled her eyes again.

"Quit making up things, I don't  like being lied to just admit you went on a date with Claire. cause  you must of enjoyed doing it with her. To have  slept with that Bitch. I can't believe you've cheated on me. Now leave Harry I can't trust you. I'm afraid  to say  we're threw it's over between us have a good time with Claire." Bailey yelled and broke up with me.

"Bailey please you've gotta believe me. I love you don't do this it can't be over. I told you  I was drunk. I didn't mean to end up hurting you. Please forgive me." I said crying.

"Harry Please leave, I'm not changing my mind. it's your fault were not together. You've cheated on me by sleeping with another girl." Bailey said angry.

I finally left Bailey's place. I still loved her I've never ment to hurt her. But she  was to upset and angry with me. That she broke up with me.

Bailey's P.O.V

Harry  cheated on me so I broke up with him. a few days later on a Saturday. Niall came over with his girlfriend Rebecca.

"Niall go grab a bit of pizza it's in he fridge. I would like to talk to Rebecca for a few minutes alone." I said to Niall, Niall agreed and jolted to the fridge in the kitchen.

"Ok , what's  wrong Bailey?" Rebecca asked.

"Harry cheated on me last weekend  and slept with  another girl. So I broke up with him." I said almost a little loud. Cause Niall heard and walked in.

"Wait, you and Harry broke up. That must be why he's down in the dumps lately."

"Niall don't start shit with me." I said.

"Bailey I'm sorry  you two broke up. If we knew how drunk Harry was we never left him alone with this girl Claire I mean. If we knew Claire  from some club  would do something like that. We would of never let her offer  to take  Harry home so we can go home, I'm sorry." Niall said Kindda sorry.

"Niall look at what you've done your making her get upset." Rebecca said and hit Niall back of the head. and told him to let us be alone for a few.

"Rebecca It's not Niall fault, he didn't  mean  to upset me. I'm really mad at Harry he thinks he can say he's sorry and tell me lies about what happened that night instead. Of telling the truth that he injoyed it with her and which it's  obviously likes this Clair person. To have slept with her. I'm moving on." I said and cryed in Rebecca's shoulders.

"Bailey, good for you move on from him." Rebecca said.

"Naill you can come back now." I said.

"Bailey I hope you forgive him. He's a mess without you, I understand you need sometime to think. Just try to forgive him. He loves you so much, he's not himself lately since this happened." Niall said.

"So what I can't trust him he  cheated on me. and with that I can't see myself with someone who cheats on me. He  still can be in our babys life. But not  mine." I said and looked  at Niall and then back down.

"Ok I understand a little bit. I just hope you two soon finally fine forgiveness and put it all behind yeah. I'm not gonna take sides, I'm here for both of you . We all are." Niall said.

"Thanks Niall and Rebecca." I said.

------------------ So what did you think of this chapter was it good do you think I should write another chapter to this  story or leave it  is and start a new story contuing this story and make a second story for this . I might write a few more chapter to this or make another  story that goes along with this one. I hoped you guess like this chapter. leave a comment below and vote and tell friends about this story.----------------Hihiangelgirls

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