Uno (Ethan)

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The severity of the situation increased when you looked up at Ethan's face. His eyebrows pushed together as a wicked smiled crossed his face. "your move Y/n" he said. You looked down at your hand, in your hand there was a draw four, a draw two that was green and a yellow 1. Ethan had two cards left. It was your weekly game night and you two had broken out the uno game waiting for James & Grayson to come back with the pizza.
"are you sure you wanna catch this fade?" You asked Ethan with a smirk. His eyebrow raised and he licked his lips; "are you?" He shot a glance down at his hand; " shoot your shot" he taunted. You took the draw two and placed it down looking up at Ethan with a victorious smile on your face. Ethan clicked his tongue. "are you sure you wanna do this? I'll give you 10 seconds to decide" you justed look at Ethan smiling triumphantly. "alrighty then..." He sighed & placed down a a yellow draw two on top of your's, you tisked. "not so fast...." You placed down the draw four. Ethan's eyes widened...."NO!" he shouted dramatically: "Y/ can't do this to me....." All you did was laugh. Fine Ethan said drawing six more cards. "I dislike you....."he whined. "Uno" you said before he picked up the last card that would have ended your turn. Ethan's eyes mocked defeat as you changed the color to yellow. Ethan chose a card and placed it down slowly....his eyes shifting up at you. You placed the last card down and shouted, standing up doing the victory dance. "HAHAHAHA I WIN! YOU LOOOOOOSSSSEEEE" Ethan threw his cards down. "You cheated!" He demanded; "you forgot to call uno the minute you had the card left in your hand. You're turn ended when I started to draw the cards!!" He pointed a finger! "You're a cheater!!!" He started singing in the same rhythm that you were justing singing. You closed your eyes; " I didn't cheat Ethan, you're just salty" you laughed just as the door opened up. It was James and Grayson with the Pizza. You didn't give Ethan the time to respond and you skipped off to the kitchen. Moments later Ethan stalked into the kitchen the look of defeat plastered on his face. Grayson glanced up at him; "you okay, dude?" He asked returning his attention to the pizza, breaking off two pieces and handing them to Ethan. Ethan took his pizza quietly. You stifled back a laugh; " he's just upset because he lost at uno!" Ethan shot a look your way; " yeah I lost cuz you cheat" he took a bite of his pizza, staring you down.
James let out a giggle; " we love a salty sister"

Ps. (You did cheat butttttttttt oh well 😋)

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