Chapter 1

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- Mister... Mister?

Can blinked and refocused his gaze on the lady in the uniform who was standing in front of him with poorly contained exasperation written all over her features. The lady sighed again and with the same fake smile addressed Can again:

- Mister, are you boarding?

She motioned towards passport and folded boarding pass Can was holding in his hand which made him to look at it as well. He knew the mechanics of the process – God knows how many planes he boarded in his travel-fueled life – but couldn't bring himself to lift his arm... it was suddenly so heavy.

Other passengers passed him, discussing their camping plans excitedly. Flight attendant got busy with them leaving Can alone with his thoughts.

Shouldn't he be just as excited as these people? Shouldn't he be happy to get back to his old life of travel and solitude adventure, with nothing but his thoughts and his camera? To get away from all the havoc and heartache of today's life... Should feel liberating, right?

Should... but didn't. Didn't feel like anything at all. Felt empty. Lost.

Like a child who got lost in the airport and is standing still and waiting to be found.

Can looked around. People rushed around him, some of them running towards something, some – running away. Çan tried to convince himself he was running towards... but the truth was not even that deep down inside – Can knew he was the one running away.

- Mister?

Flight attendant lady brought her attention back to him and Can was starting to get irritated with being rushed. To be honest, he was irritated a lot these days. And there was only one way to get it over with...

The story is named after this K.D.Lang song

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