Shot 21: Little brother's (2)

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The class ended after 3 teachers done teaching and it was now Recess, putting back the text book under the desk I was somewhat feel uncomfortable like some hawk eye is eyeing me like a pry and it isn't a good feeling.

"Let's go to the rooftop and eat"
Suggest Asari holding his bento. G already went ahead, I snapped out of my thought.

"Hurry up" he said waiting in the door.

"Okay wait I'm going to get my bento" I said and when I got my bento we soon walk upstairs to the rooftop.

"Let's eat here" G said and lazily sat down and began eating his sandwich. "Thank you for the food"

"En" I nodded then Both Asari and I sat down and began eating our food.

""Thank you for the food""  Both I and Asari said and started eating to fill our hungry stomach.

After done eating I started a conversation.

"Hey do you know something about those transfer students ?" I began and pack back my launch box.

"Transfer students? are we having one?" Asari oblivious ask and G snorted at him

"Idiot, Not in our class" he pause and Continue "If heard correctly it's about the transfer students in the first year?"

"Eh? A new transfer students ? Two of them?!" Asari question

Both I and G nodded in confirmation, I turn my head to G and say

"So, do you know something G?" I inquire.

"Hm..not much same with the rumours they say one of them is filthy rich" he shrugged that's all he know about it. Hm rich ha... Maybe it's a young master or something I thought

"Oh! Right! I remember now!" Clapping his hand Asari said.

"Remember what?"

"Ah no I mean, I once ask my little brother Takeshi how's school then he say that there having some transfer students." Nodded Asari and smiled continuing.

"He said they should be attending school last week but up till now they didn't appear, therefore it said maybe something bad happened that it delay them well that is all I know "

"Oh..I see"

"Hey, flute freak is you're brother doing fine?" G who was silently listening for awhile open his mouth and ask Asari and the latter was caught off guard at the sudden question.

"Eh? Of course his fine" He smile and answer back but for unknown reasons looking at Asari smile it seem forced and awkward, there's must be something more to it.

"why did you ask G?"

"Nah, last time I saw you're little brother practicing in the field harshly like someone is chasing after him I ask him why he isn't going home yet when everyone in his team already left, guess what he said back" whoa this is the first time G talk too much without swearing.

"He said that in a few days it's their tournament and as an Ace of the baseball team which is why he must work hard more than ever so he won't't let his team down beside they all rely on him alone when it come to it." Reaching into his pocket G he get one of his bubble gum and chew it, offering the both of us but we decline.

"What's wrong with Lil Takeshi practice more? " I ask G and he look at me like I was a fool.

"......." seriously I'm just asking why look at me like that?

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