Moments turned to minutes as the males' lips moved in sync with each others, the curtain flowing lightly in the breeze, letting it gently ruffle their brightly coloured hair and the sun to slip in to create a comforting glow around them. In that moment Todoroki felt at peace. Midoriya felt weak at the knees. Until suddenly, he snapped his eyes open and pulled away quickly, breaking the kiss and blushing furiously.

"Uh......" Midoriya couldn't speak. No words nor sentences could formulate. Instead he just directed his gaze to the floor and covered himself with the closest thing to him - Todoroki's dressing gown which always hung at the bottom of his bed.

Todoroki stared in stunned silence, his face the same colour as his left side of his hair and his temples pounding in pain. His eyes scanned the smaller boy before he slipped on the dressing gown. He had purple bruises all over his chest and neck, his toned muscles rippled throughout his body and his bed hair was unintentionally styled to perfection. He watched as this angel slipped on his red and white dressing gown, the sleeves slipping over his hands and the collar covering the majority of his deeply flushed face.

The heterochromatic boy was paralysed. He never thought he'd witness something so beautiful the moment he'd open his eyes.
Midoriya glanced to see Todoroki staring a him, wide-eyed and open-mouthed.

"Wh...what?" He stuttered. Suddenly his eyes widened too as his eyes cast over his markings on Todoroki and covered his face in shame, realising that the other male was staring at his handiwork on his tiny body.

" uh... You should probably.... Uh..... Cover yourself up..." The green haired male stuttered, looking down at the wooden floor again so he wouldn't have to see Todoroki's.... thing...

Todoroki flushed a brighter red (if that was even possible) and spun his legs off the edge of the other side of the bed and picked up the pair of grey joggers he'd worn the day before. As he tried to stand up, a sharp pain shot through every single muscle in his legs and he wobbled slightly, eventually maintaining his balance and finished pulling his joggers on. Uh.... Well I guess last night was fun?... He thought to himself as a slight smile spread on his face. He walked to the other side of his bed, about to unlock the door to his bedroom whilst Midoriya gathered his things.

Midoriya tried to stand up to pick up his clothes from the floor so he could change in the bathroom. However, as he stood up he felt as though his entire lower half had been sewn with a lock stitch. He tried to take a step towards his strewn up pants, but his legs gave way beneath him and he collapsed. He squeezed his eyes shut, awaiting the impact on the hard, wooden floor. However, what he felt instead, was a firm waistline on his cheeks and a comforting warmth wrapping around him.

Glancing up he saw Todoroki looking down on him with a worried look etched on his face. Gahh why so close? I can't do this! I'm not even dating him. Yet I still... I still... Huh... He must be hit me good to prohibit my walk- No! Bad Midoriya. It was a fling. You were both drunk. Nothing more will happen. Right? Thoughts and internal screams filled Midoriya's mind as he stared deep into the heterochromtic eyes of the other male, his face burning from flush. A few seconds passed before Todoroki broke the eye contact to help Midoriya stand up.

"Are... Are you alright?" There was no denying it. Todoroki stuttered - something that occurs almost never.

"Uh... I guess, just a pain in my... Legs... Is all." The smaller boy seemed almost embarrassed to share this information.

"M...mine too..." The older boy confessed, possibly in an attempt to make Midoriya feel better, but if anything; it saturated his mind with internal screams.

Gingerly, Todoroki picked up Midoriya bridal style and walked carefully and slowly down the stairs and placed the weakened boy on the couch. He then hobbled slightly towards his kitchen to whip up two coffees and grab some ibuprofen and muscle cream for the two of them.

When he was finished, he placed the coffees on the table and sat down in the arm chair next to the couch. A painfully uncomfortable silence fell over the two males as Midoriya slowly sipped his coffee while Todoroki stared into space.

It was silent for about five minutes, the only sounds being the slight slurps of Midoriya drinking his coffee and the light breathing from both of them. It was eventually broken when Todoroki spoke up.

"Hey... Do.. Do you mind if I put the news on?..." He said in a very quiet tone - like he was scared he was going to anger the other hero.

"Sure..." he replied with a similar tone, but more distant.

So Todoroki leaned forward and picked up the remote and turned his TV on. He stared blankly at the screen as some minor news stories were being reported. However, one particular news story caught both his and Midoriya's attention; flipping both of their stomachs upside down.

"Next we have a very interesting news story. Number One and Number Two pro heroes, Deku and Shoto. Are they a couple?" The male news reporter stated .

"Yes, the picture was sent in last night, revealing a rather intimate moment between the two heroes." The female news reporter continued.

The image flashed on screen. Both Todoroki and Midoriya stared in shock, shame and utter embarrassment. Their stomachs churned and their bodies trembled slightly. The male reporter's voice spoke out again.

"So are our top two heroes in a serious relationship or was it as simple as a one night stand? Only time will help us answer that question."

The two males stared at the image of them, in Todoroki's doorway, lips connected in a kiss and their arms wrapped around each other; oblivious to anything around them.

Save Me, Pleaseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें