Sleepover part 2

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Is it Marcus's child ?


Just at that moment we heard the door open kath have her answer in a whisper and then they pretended they were watching tv tannar handed out pizza and after her and kath went too her room .


So kath what is it really like living with a bunch of boys I mean really 

Well I know loads of secrets about them all

Go on

Well you know cray 

I am aware of him 

Well he has a big crush on baz but baz likes ells 

Ohh that gotta hurt 

I know 

What about lannan you and him got any secrets 

Well there is 1 

What please tell me is it about me 

Well you don't know this but I'm I'm pregnant 

I gave a stifled shock no way she was pregnant what would boys think how would they react 

So how come you told lannan not Marcus 

Well lannan more figured it out than I told him . We were filming hide and seek when they went into my wardrobe and lannan saw the pregnancy test shoved it in his pocket to tell me later 


I know right 

How long have you known  

About 9 weeks and I don't know wether it's Marcus's child 

What do you mean 

About 10 weeks ago this thing happened between me and .................

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