A Leap Of Faith

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A/N: Hello my dear readers!

Thank you for all your votes and your patience. Here is this new chapter. I think it will take a few more chapters before I close it.

If you have any question, don't hesitate to ask. Same for ideas.

Hope you'll like it.


« Trust me, dear. This is for your own good.» had said the god of mischief, a blinding light overwhelming your senses before you had the time to react and darkness welcomed you in its familiar home. Neither you, neither Stephen Strange were enable to stop the god to strike.

Only a dreadful thought dwelled in the wilderness of your mind

"How can I trust you, though?"


Flying without wings, boundless, limitless until the end, yet often depicted as the fall of failure.

The fear of falling is natural. No fear is fully tamed, as there is always your deepest nightmare nagging in the depth of your mind, waiting for an opening, waiting to rise.

In order to defeat the Mad Titan, you needed something more, something elemental, close to your roots.

The Dragon Force.

Something coming from within you, yet locked.

What you needed was power, yes but also something more than power.

Revenge could have been an option if the sake of the world wasn't at stake.

Survival, on the other hand, could work.

But sometimes, in all fairy tales or romance novels, despite the darkest era the story is set, love always finds a way to cage your heart and make you move mountains, make you do things only the imagination can provide.

So you said yes, you took the deal.

Even if it means, you had to spend a loveless life. What is love if you have no one to share it with?

The green germ shone rightly, sparkling with such intensity you thought you had gone blind for a second until you felt a part of your heart disappeared in the elemental state of the Time Stone.

Also, a new warmth invaded your veins, changing your cells and every inch of your skin into an unpenetrable armour of scales. An explosion of feelings bombed in your mind, causing havoc until it reached the point of balance. The fear, the pain, the hate, the treason and the love bloomed into a new power.

The power of faith.

Faith in what you believe.

Faith in what had to be done.

Faith in your friends, your team.

Faith in yourself.

Faith in humanity.

Faith in a new dawn.

Faith into your world.

Your eyes closed on a feeling of acceptance,

You crossed the no man's land from the Time Stone, and you came back.


The blade of betrayal is a feeling Thor had known for a while, bitter and painful. Yet, he remained the hopeful god ready to stay by his brother's side no matter what. If there was one person who could understand what was happening right now, it was him.

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