The Roar Of The Untamed

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A/N: Hello my dear readers!

Here is the following chapter of " Birth Of A Hope", where the Wild Sentinel finally meets the Avengers.

If you have ideas or things to point out, don't hesitate.

Hope you enjoy

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For the painting, all credits are for my dear friend madrytovaa. It represents the Dragon form of the Wild Sentinel, what do you think? I, personally, love it.


« There is no turning back. » you pondered on your bed, facing the window.

No more chance to stay in the shadows. No more back seat to watch from afar the evolution of life.

You were going to be part of it and in a way, it frightened you. You were afraid to be a simple pawn, afraid to be nothing more than the feared dragon of the myths.

The security of being behind the layer of action was a life jacket to your way of living and now it was gone.

The moment you accepted to follow Stephen Strange, you knew you could no longer live like legends.

As you gazed at the skyscrapers of New York City, observing the human-made-beauty of the tremendous town, a soft knock snapped you out of your thoughts.

« Y/N? » Stephen asked, lightly opening the door of tour room.

You spun around and made your way to the door, your naked feet enjoying the coldness of the floor. As a dragon, your temperature was higher than humans. Which is why you were wearing a tank top with a pair of black jeans. You opened the door wide open and was greeted with a shy smiling Stephen.

« Hello Stephen » you welcomed him, the birth of a smile appearing on your burning lips.

He leaned on the frame door, his arms crossed against his chest while his steely blue eyes gazed you up and down.

« I warned the Avengers I had found the Wild Sentinel » he stated, his deep voice echoing in the silent room. His tone was light but his words were deep as you knew you were an asset to the team.

« And? »

He took a deep breath and answered :

« Well, Stark and Steve were a bit dumbfounded and didn't believe me I had found you at first but they agreed to meet you at the Avengers compound in an hour. »

You raised an eyebrow at him.

« Fine, I'll meet you there then. »

Before he had the chance to respond, you closed the door at his face. To said he was shocked was an understatement however, as he thought about the matter, he realised the situation was a new change, a new chapter in the history of your immortal life and therefore, it must have been a while since you didn't know what was going to happen, the fear of the unknown probably taking a toll on you.

« This is it » you muttered, your shoulders falling heavily as you climbed up the window and jumped, embracing the power of air.


A heavy silence lingered in the Avengers compound, agents and employees working in sync while the daily amount of work was finished. The Avengers including Bucky, Black Panther, Spider-Man and Ant-Man were gathered in the central room, dealing with the announcement of Doctor Strange.

Legendary Partner ( Book: Infinity War X Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora