..:S1E30: A HERO'S FATE:..

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"It feels like forever ago that I began my hero's journey at Gar's Bodega..."

A Scene shows K.O. punching one of Boxman's robots, it was Jethro. And surprisingly, it wasn't one Jethro.

(Name) freezes it with her power and she sends it to Enid, who kicks the Jethro K.O. just punched and (Name) just froze and Rad uses his laser beam to throw it into a pile of other Jethros. The three teenagers and two kids were exhausted (well probably K.O.) from fighting all Jethros at once. "I think...That's the last of 'em" Rad said while he was panting and sweating from fighting all Jethros at once. He, along with Enid and (Name), especially Briella sat on the ground in front of the bodega, Briella however laid on her cousin's lap.

"We must have taken out at least a thousand stinkin' Jethros!" He said and pointed at all the Jethros that they destroyed all together. "All directly under the hot, hot Suuuun" Enid said while wiping her sweat off of her forehead, not bothering to push off her friend (Name) for leaning her head against her shoulder. The sun, for some reason was flustered by it.

"Oooh, shut...you really think so?" On a serious note, (Name) felt something vibrating in her pocket pants. She pulls out her Pow Card and Checks its card's stats and clicks to update, her Pow Card was leveling up. It leveled up from 1 to 2 level. "Oh- OH! Look!" Without a second thought, she stood up which accidentally lead her cousin fall of her lap with a grin on her face. "I leveled up! I finally leveled up to two! And..." She gets happy and then got exhausted from the heat and went back to her seat. Again.

"I'm too exhausted to celebrate, let's rest for a while..." >(Name)<

"You got it" Rad and Enid said in sync with thumbs up, they wanted to celebrate with her but like she said, she was too exhausted so were they. K.O. was staring at his friends with a smile as he begin thinking about his Pow Card state. 'I've made great friends, explored new places and helped defeat all kinds of evil. I've accomplished so much... Surely by now...' He checks its states and unfortunately, his Pow Card shows that he still doesn't have enough points to level up.

'Oh, man! I thought for sure I'd reached level 1!...I know leveling up takes a while, but-...Maybe all this time, I should have been working harder' he thoughts then turned to his friends and started speaking. "Okay, guys! Starting right now, let's all train twice as hard!" When he said that, he noticed something strange and startled at what was going on.

Enid, (Name) and Rad are now dressed in swimsuits, Enid is testing out the water from a hose while Rad carries beach toys in his arms, (Name) was putting on her bun while Briella was relaxing on the water that was thrown at her with a relaxed face.

"Wha-...What's going on?!" The confused kid asking his friends, no idea why they seem to suddenly taking a break. "Oh, well...While you were inner-monologuing, Rad, (Name), Briella and I declared the rest of today: No work, just play-day. Which we're spending in a kiddie pool" Enid responds.

"These are for activities!" Rad replies, talking about his toys but K.O. threw them from his arms on the ground repeating "No, no, no, no, no!".

"My activities!" >Rad<

"We can't play now! There's-...Too much training to be done! Look how close I am to leveling up!" He said and Shows Enid and (Name) his POW card. Enid smiles at it. "K.O., that's great! But-... Did you forget that we just kicked enough robo-butt to fill a parking lot?" She said and Rad went along while he was reaching for his beach toys. "Yeah Squirt, take a break. All heroes do it. Even the god-tier ones, like me" he said with a grin on his face, (Name) took the hose from Enid and Points it hose at Rad's face, making him drop the toys again. she chuckles at his face and he pouts at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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