..:S1E8: I AM DENDY:..

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i wanted to add Briella here but the fact that it might be uninterested so instead, i added you guys here

EDITED: 2/12/2020


"Walkin' after school on my way to Gar's

Walkin' after school, it is not that far.

Lakewood Plaza turbo!"

you and K.O. were hanging out for a while, "that's a nice song" you said with a smile, "thanks! you know, i'm glad to hang out with you, (Y/N)!" he replied until you two heard rustling from behind


"what the?" the two turns around to see if someone's here

"i feel like somebody's following us, K.O...." you said as you kneel down and hold on his shoulders, "all right, whoever you are, i dunno who you think you are..." K.O. said as he tries to get to know the unknown

"prepare to meet my...whoever-you-are-destroyer fist!"

he shows his fist to, which turned out to be tiny dinosaurs. the little thing runs away from you two, "oh, i guess it was tiny dinosaurs all along.." you said as you stood up, "yeah, phew" just when you and K.O. was going to leave..


K.O. and you got startled by a...kid?

"i was getting tired of hearing you sing and talk to yourself" the kid said, who looks like to be around K.O.'s age

"goodness, you scared us!" you said as you placed your hand to where your heart is

"my apology"

"w-who are you?!" K.O. asks to the kid

"i am Dendy" Dendy introduce herself

"i sit behind you in school. i've noticed things that would threaten the average person have little to no effect on you. an example..." Dendy explains to K.O., about the broken bus thing and how K.O. was excited to see a tow truck in action

"uhh, yeah, 'cause tow trucks are the most heroic vehicles!" K.O. replies with a smile, you chuckled, "seriously?"


"you wish to be a hero. that is why you are so audacious. and it is why you help people. even people who don't have friends" Dendy continues to talk and looked at you, "speaking of friends, you must be (Y/N) that Briella talked about" your and K.O.'s eyes widen at this

"y-you know my/her cousin??"

"actually, i only saw her around hanging with K.O. and heard how she was talking to him about you and how happy she was that you got this job" she said, you kindly smiled

"oh, that's sweet to hear, i bet you wanted to meet her" you said, Dendy looked away, "guess so.." she said and looked at K.O.

"to get right to it- i need your help, K.O."

K.O. gasps at Dendy's words, '"i need your help"! the four words guaranteed to stir the passionate heart of any young hero in training'

"i'd be happy to help!" K.O. said as he clenched his fist and looks at her with sparkle eyes

"he loves to help people a lot so.." you said as you rub his head and she nods, understood

"let's proceed" Dendy said as she pulls her backpack, "i like your cool backpack"

"this is no ordinary backpack. i use it to allocate code blocks for the purpose of manipulating real-world objects" Dendy said after unzipping her backpack, showing some cool stuff here, you 'ooh'ed at it

..:OK K.O.! LET'S BE HEROES: READER INSERT:..Where stories live. Discover now