Chapter 10 - ???

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"???" is the title of this chapter, because I'm too lazy to think of something original. I also don't want to put a spoiler in the chapter title.

Soo.. Here we go.


Anthony was sleeping on the floor, his belly slowly raising and lowering with his breathing. His clothes were completely wet of sweat and were sticking to his body, making his well-trained muscles visible.

I didn't want to wake him, but I also didn't want to leave him there on the bathroom floor.

I closed the door, turned on all the lights in the bathroom and sat down next to Anthony on the cold floor. How he could sleep here? I didn't know. I leaned a bit down, so that my mouth was close to his ear.

"Anthony, I'm here. Wanna wake up, buddy? You're sleeping on the hard floor. The bed's more comfortable, isn't it?" I whispered.

But my friend just kept on sleeping. I looked up to the ceiling and got lost in my thoughts for a few moments, waiting for Anthony to wake up and talk to me. I sure was scared of what he would say. You never know after something like this. He did scream some terrible stuff.

Some minutes later, when I was adjusting my positiony, my boyfriend finally moved, and when I looked down at him, his eyes were already opened, but they looked sick and tired. I could swear he was smiling for a second, but he seemed to remember what happened and stopped.

"Ian." he said. His voice was almost completely gone from all the screaming.  "Our parents?" he asked.

"They weren't here." I told him, hoping that he wouldn't think it's his fault (although it technically was).

But he replied "Good, there's no reason they would come."

"What do you mean?" I was confused.

Anthony struggled a bit trying to stand up, so I offered him my hand for help, but he refused to take it. So we both stood up, very close together due the lack of space in the bathroom. Almost touching him, but not really touching him made me crazy, so I took a tiny step towards him, so that our bodies touched. I kissed him on the cheek to calm him a bit, but he just continued standing still like a stick.

"Let's get out of here." Anthony whispered, noticeable angry about his lack of voice, but also with a tired undertone.

He left the bathroom and I followed him after turning off the lights in the bathroom and closing the door. He was heading to our living room / kitchen.

It was already late evening, but too early to call it night. Anthony, who just slept, didn't seem like he was going to sleep again soon, but I was very tired, so I wanted to clear things up as fast as possible.

In the kitchen, Anthony took some pills against his aching throat, then turned around to me and looked me deeply in the eyes.

"I have something to tell you." he said, not changing his blank expression.

I was curious what he was gonna tell me, and I had no clue what it could be, so I asked him to continue.

"Ok." Anthony sighed and looked to the floor, just to look at me again a few seconds later. "I have to break up with you."

Something in my stomach wanted to come out. Almost gagging I ran to the kitchen sink, but nothing came. Still having to puke, I tried to form a few words, but neither my body nor my feelings allowed it. The tears rolling down my face like a waterfall, I felt like my whole life just shattered into tiny, little pieces. Was Anthony kidding? He's kidding, right?

"The Experiment" - Ianthony (Smosh)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt