Iskall no-

398 12 33

OdalRune314for the competition


Block, block, block, slab, block.
Were the words Grian repeated in his head getting him in a rhythm so he builds with amazing speed and grace that not even a swiftness potion could get you close

Grian decided to take off his elytra so he wouldn't get too hot while building his extremely tall and rickety house in the mess called hermitVille.

Standing on his newly built roof admiring all the chaos around him then turning around to estimate where to put the next part of his...

Rapunzle tower.

Taking a step back only to realize there wasn't a step to take Grian found himself regret taking off his wings

Closing his eyes and bracing for impact waiting for the end of this long fall and the soft sheets known as his bed..

But Grian never felt the hard cold ground due to the arms that caught him bridal style

"Nice of you to drop by"
Grian opened his eyes to find the person who caught him was the one and only Mumbo Jumbo,

Burying his face in his hands to hide the deep blush he groaned wondering how embarrassing this could get.

Mumbo seemed to read his mind and says "at least Iskall's not here-"

The two hermits look up to find someone laughing a very contagious laugh


Both Grian and Mumbo yelled in unison

"Sta-stay r-right there I nee-ed my cam-camera"
Iskall struggled to say thanks to him laughing so hard

Mumbo almost immediately put the builder down, gently, but Iskall still got pictures to show the rest of hermitcraft the moment Grian thought embarrassing...

But Mumbo actually enjoyed it but he wasn't going to say that


Grian yelled racing towards the Swedish hermit

Iskall ran away yelling Swedish nonsense and Lord knows what else

Mumbo sighed deeply before sprinting off to catch the chaos called Iskall and Grian...

God he loved this place

So this is for ANOTHER contest and if I lose I have to change my popular book title to "book"...



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