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I stared down at my fingers as I slowly started to pop them one by one, there wasn't much to do but join in the conversation but thing is I wasn't really interested in it.

My friends sat around the room telling each other how much they wanted to bang a specific girl or who they hope to bang on the next party. And as weirdly as this sounds but I wasn't really interested into having any sexual intercourse with anyone really, I don't think I'm asexual? And that's when the feeling of lost gets felt, I always feel so unwanted because I really don't relate on worrying who I'm going to fuck or if my dick is getting suck tonight. I question myself on that too, like I wanna relate to this. I wanna fit in.

My thoughts snapped when I heard Jayden letting out a huge laugh, I glance up at him to find everyone smiling at me.

"What?" I mumble "who are you planning to fuck?" He asked me, I shrugged "I guess whoever rubs against me" I slowly said, nodding my head after making sure they knew I meant it. "We all know that's a lie" Nate snorted "we never stay at a party for long,nor have we seen you with any girl" he finished his sentence off with his eyes widen "is my Lucas gay?" He yelled causing the guys all to laugh.

I laughed shaking my head "of course not, I just respect my women" I say while laughing, their eyes widen like if they were some 6th grade boys who just saw their first pair of boobs. "He said women, are man is fucking with older girls" Jayden yelled as the guys all cheered "older girls make me uncomfortable" Michael mumble "the older ones always have the most experience" Nate winked at me as I laughed nodding my head.

I stood up, picking my backpack up from the side of Nate's bed "I'm going to get going, my roommates need me to do some things"I said while leaving the room quickly hearing the  guys all say goodbye.

To be honest with you. I never had sex, never. I don't even know how to work a vagina. The last time I actually kissed a girl was back in 6th grade and it because we were playing spin the bottle, and I hope Aly knows that I didn't appreciate that gross wet kiss she gave me. I only pretended to enjoy it so people wouldn't mock and make a fool of me because I didn't enjoy a kiss by a girl.

And as shocking as this sounds but back in 1st grade throughout to 4th grade, I was always the ladies man in my friend group. Girls always had crushes on me, I kissed Kendall Rose under the slide. The most popular girl in our grade. But as soon as we got to middle school Nate revived his first nude picture, we were all shock. And that's when Nate took the crown, I suppose. I never had the crown but I guess he took it because within the next year Nate was the first one to have sex. Nate is always getting the girls and some of our friends are mad jealous about it. But I mean the chances of Nate catching herpes and some sexual diseases are pretty high, what is that to be jealous about? I don't understand.

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