Chapter 24

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Anxiety settled in my stomach as group two consisting of Axca and Shiro headed inside the building. I tried to shake off my fears and worries but they clouded my mind.

Focus. I need to focus. They are counting on me to be alert .

I pulled the trigger shooting one of Lotor's men straight through the temple. He was getting a little too close to group two for my comfort.

"We're going for the hostages. Stay alert." Ezor in group one spoke quietly.

"You're clear." Adam spoke calmly.

I was following group two through my scope ignoring what the others were saying until Ezor called in a panic.

"We need assistance. Zethrid's been injured and we are separated. Suga is with me providing cover fire, but we need help." She pleaded.

"I'll go." Griffin chimed in. Before anyone could protest he left his post and hurried toward the building. I spotted one of Lotor's goons heading toward him with a machete and took him out.

"They may need more help. They have weapons." I added.

"From your description of what you see of the building we can manage to ignore the south wall. There isn't anything really important back there that would be of good use." Pidge spoke up.

"I'm on it." Kinkade then proceeded to leave his post and followed up with Griffin.

"Adam. Lance stay sharp. We still need your eyes." Griffin flashed me a signal.

He's right. I need to stay focused.

I could hear both teams going through different points in their missions. I could hear group one fighting and group two was eerily quiet. Until Shiro said one word that caused me to lose all sense.


He found him.

I scanned the buildings top floor for any sign of them. I spotted Axca lingering alone in a hall shooting down anyone who got too close. From his post Adam took out several people farther down the hall for her.

I could hear every word Shiro was saying. He was with Lotor pleading with him. I crawled lower in my post slinking down the tree until I was almost level with the floor I wanted.

Through my scope I could make out the hallway and a door where Shiro stood. He stepped aside revealing the most precious and terrifying sight I could behold.

It was Keith. He was alive. Barely, but he was still alive. He was being held hostage by Lotor
A gun pressed against his jaw.

I could see him signaling Shiro to shoot, but Shiro refused. It was then Lotor opened a door and one of the undead stumbled out ready to take a bite out of Keith. I gasped in terror.

"Do you have visual?" Axca grunted as she killed another goon.

She was asking if I had the shot to take out Lotor.

"I-I-" I tried to aim around Shiro, but his pacing and avoiding the gnashing teeth of the biter prevented me from getting a shot on Lotor.

"Take him out Lance." Griffin spoke up sounding disgruntled and occupied himself.

"I don't have a clear shot!" I panicked.

"Take it!" Adam commanded.

I'm sorry.

I drew in a slow deep breath and slowly exhaled as I pressed and released the trigger. I could hear a familiar scream as Shiro fell to the ground. Behind him Lotor released Keith as his body slumped to the floor. The biter lunged and dove for Lotor's body.

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