Chapter 8

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   Anxiety. Anxiety is one way to describe this moment. I walked through the doors of my classroom, unaware of my surroundings. A wave of cool air hit my face when I entered the classroom, I left the door slightly ajar for other students. 

 Throughout this whole week I haven't seen Harry. He did come home that one night, only for his phone. Other than that  the apartment has been a ghost town without him. The Journal has been untouched since that night, I just haven't had the time to read it with the amount of homework given to me on a daily basis. 

        I sat down in my usual spot that i've been sitting in since the first day. It's been kind of hard to make friends, just as usual everyone give me a mixed look and sit the farthest away from me, I even think the teacher moved his desk farther away from where it was! I remember how it use to sit right in the center of the room right in front of me, just only till the next day where it stood in the far left corner. 

        I place my items on my desk, rearranging my pens in color. For some odd reason I just like my pens in a certain way along with my pencils. As I placed the blue pen on the desk, it glided off the surface of the the table onto the floor. I huffed moving my head in various directions to analyze the floor to find this stupid blue pen.

"Looking for this?" I hear a british accent say.

 I look up to see Louis surprisingly standing right in front of me with the blue pen.  "Thanks" I said in a hush tone and took the pen from his hand. He smiled and sat beside me in the vacant desk. He pulled out his messy notebook and threw it on the desk which made me flinch, along with his black pen.

 Throughout class I would occasionally look at his notebook, papers and unnecessary item stuck out of it, the sight was gruesome and I was tempted to organize it. When the professor dismissed us I packed my stuff up and waited for Louis ( Who was shoving his notebook in a odd way in his backpack).

"Stop looking at my bag like that" he said 

"Looking at your bag like what? and how could you tell I was looking? your not even looking at me!" 

"Oh Anne.... I have eyes in the back of my head. El gets on my arse about my unorganized shit soo... fill free anytime to arrange my backpack if you want to" he said grabbing his bag placing it on his shoulder and facing toward my direction.

   We walked out of the classroom carrying a conversation, luckily my next class isn't for the next hour, along with Louis. "So... why were you in a Literature  class?" 

"I enjoy Literature ..." 

"Oh really.. I didn't expect that.." I whispered the last part, but sadly he heard.

"Hahaha! I'm just kidding! I'd never take those boring classes, I'm just covering for Harry... My classes starts a little more later in the day so Harry called up and asked me to cover for him and get the notes and such." 

"Ahh.. Speaking of Harry, where has he been?" I questioned, his eyes widen, signaling he was hiding something and also wasn't suppose to tell me about him.

"Well look at the time, I have to go to class... See you later Anne!" He yelled running off.

        I slowly walked to my next class which was philosophy, I didn't need to take it but I enjoy it. I sat in the front row and pulled out my stuff to begin the notes. Soon class passed within seconds, who knew a 2 hour lecture  on the works of Voltaire could be so fascinating but also felt short.

        Since that was my last class of the day I decided to walk home, it was currently 6:38 p.m. and I already felt worn out. As I reach the front door of my apartment I smelt something delicious, I quickly open the door to see Harry. He was cooking what seems to look like vegetable stir fry.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2014 ⏰

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