Chapter 1

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    It was the fall of August when I found out Ethan was going to serve in the Marines. I cried all night knowing that the chances of him making it back was 50/50. I begged to him not to go, but he only responded back "Anne, you know I have to do this. I need to serve my country and bring my family honor or I'd be known as a disgrace!" his words were morbid to me each time he'd say that.

        Ethan knew that I hated his family tradition, well it also runs in the whole town of Dayton, Tennessee, so the towns tradition. My mother always told me about it and how important it was to have a boy in the family. Her warm voice replays in my head and my lips curved into a smile remembering the last moments of  her existence.


"Annie!" My mother yelled. I was playing with Aubrey Hepburn and Ethan at the towns park; which was across from our homes, I would always laugh remembering the times I'd give Aubrey a glare for even getting near Ethan, I envied her good looks and still do today. I dropped my shovel and ran into my mothers arms.

        She kissed my forehead and walked over to my Nana's rocking chair and sat in it. Every time it was 3 in the afternoon she'd call me and we'd have story time since at night  my mom would always argue with my dad who'd stumble in drunk after his long day of work from the towns court house. 

"Come here Annie," she told me patting her her thigh signaling to sit. I walked towards her and jumped on her lap, I embraced her into a hug and she did the same in return. 

"So, you want to hear about the towns tradition?" she asked and I nodded my head.

"Well, back then during the American revolution Tennessee was known to be a confederate state. The town of Dayton was known to , be a Union. Everyone in Tennessee would try to fight with us but we were to strong, and we fought millions of men! Only 4 were injure, but no one died. Afterwards, countless of wars happened between America and other countries. When our men would come to help each president  found out something fascinating about the men in our town, which was being  great soldiers. So, every time a boy hit the age of a man (which was 18) then you'd have to fight in war, if not the family will disown you and you'll known as a disgrace to the town, and also the family" She told  

(**Not necessary to read but to have a better understanding*** For non- Americans: Back during the civil war (Which was a fight over slavery) The confederate states needed slavery because they were well known for agriculture, and The union was mainly about industry and needed less slaves and also had the idea of rights for African Americans. So, The union wanted to get rid of slavery and the confederate states didn't like that idea because they'll make less money.) 

"But mama, We don't have a boy in the family. It's just you, me, Daddy, Nana, and Papa"  I said, she smiled.

"Annie, can you keep a secret?" she said.

"Yes! I pinky swear, I'll never break your promise!" I told her while my pinky stuck out, her smile grew as our pinky's interlocked.

"How do you feel about having a baby brother or sister?" 


        More tears pricked out of my house remembering that moment, it was happy, yet a sad moment. She was three months pregnant at the time, but the child was never born since she died 2 weeks later of colon cancer. No one knew of her illness nor did my father, he never had the chance to find out since they  were always bickering and he was rarely sober. 

        After her death my father went to the towns rehabilitation center, I was the at the age of eight during the time and Nana and Papa would always watch me. He'd always paid off the house, I'd always visit him every once of month and he'd give me a envelope that contain the average amount of $100. Nana always always spent it on food but sometime we would only be left with a $5 or $3, so Nana told me to save it up for college.

TO LOVE AND BE LOVED (HARRY STYLES PUNK FAN FICTION) AUМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя