Chapter 5

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(If you couldn't read chapter 4 here it is, skip if you could)

Chapter 4

I woke up the next morning or should I say afternoon with this huge migraine. I groaned and pulled myself off the bed and made my way towards my suitcase. I pulled out my toiletries and walked over to the bathroom down the hallway. 

After I was done with my morning ritual I walked into the living room hoping to see Harry since he made me a bit worried from last night, but there was no sign of him.  I sighed and walked over to the kitchen to grab the granola bar that I had bought from Starbucks,but instead I found the rapper sitting in the trash can. I guess i'm making another fruit salad.

I opened the fridge to expect seeing some vegetarian food but instead I see poultry. I slammed the fridge and pull out my phone to call Eleanor to see if she wanted to go do something or get something to eat maybe.

"Hello"  A sweet voice asked

"Hey Eleanor! I was wondering if you wanted to hang out and get some lunch or something... we have no food here" I told

"What are you talking about!?!?! Harry should have some meat and stuff, why don't you eat that?" she asked 

"I'm vegetarian actually... so are you busy?"

"No... but I have to go book shopping for this medical book later. But we could go shopping first then get lunch, if that's alright with you.." 

"Sure, i'll meet you in 10 minutes at you apartment"

"Will do, bye!" she yelled through the phone


Once I was finished getting ready and ten minutes have passed I locked the front door and made my way towards Eleanor and Louis apartment. I stood right in front of their door, before I could even knock or ring on the door bell the door flew open and I was engulfed into a hug.

"Annie!!!" Louis screeched. "Anniebell!" Eleanor then yelled, pushing Louis out of the way, Louis fell face first onto the floor which made me laugh a little.

"you are so cruel" Louis huffed before getting off the floor.

"Yeah, yeah... Just go back working on that shit you call a car" she joked

"Just to let you know the salvage yard sold it to me for a fair amount of money" he defended back

"Oh, really.How much?" Eleanor asked 

"Ten shilling"  Eleanor laughed and I looked at her oddly. She turned her head and explained that 10 shillings in American money is about $1.10. I then began to laugh along with her, Louis soon got irritated and left, leaving us in our giggle fest I guess you could say.

"So you ready to get some shopping and other shit done?" Eleanor asked

"Yes. Elean-" she cut me off ,"Just call me El for short" she then flashed a smile. "Okay... El what are we planning to do when we get home early from shopping and finishing the things we need to do?" I asked, she stared at me in deep thought, then smiled.

"We should have a movie night! just us girls.. I could invite Perrie and Danielle also!!!" She scream

"Who are they?"

"Oh just Harry and Louis  friends girlfriends" I blacked out a little trying to absorb the new information and understand what she said, honestly she could of said her friends that were also involved with Harry and Louis friends, just so it could make it easier for me to understand.

"Trust me no one would understand that.. everyone here is stupid" She said pulling out a tube of carmax lip balm to put on her lips, "What do you mean?" she shove the lip balm into her purse then faced me "you know when your in deep thought you say it out loud, right? and also just to let you know everyone here isn't the smartest people, I could only name at least 4 people at the school who are passing with only A's or B's ..."  She opened the door and moved to the side so I could exit first, she then stepped out of the apartment afterwards and locked the door.