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Sara's POV

I'm looking at the kids on the. Computer screens in my study and I just cant help but get this feeling i cant shake like I know them, like I've meet them before.

It was after I thought that that one of the two girls that were in the corner started wheezing and coughing the other girl with her just held her and caresses her head like something they knew was wrong but they cant do anything about it. That's when one girl I think the boys sister stood up and said "were not a threat you can let us out"

With that i asked "how do I know you wont do anything" she waited a second to answer and when she did she said "were here to get help "


After I said that the door of the haul opened and we walked out it took a moment for eliza and lily to get out they were on the floor in the far corner in the room but their not telling the team something but I wont bug them about it just yet

The whe team walk to the bridge where mom and her team are at first no one does anything for a good 40 seconds then mom walk forward and say "who are you guys and why do you need help"

"Well it's not that long of a story it's pretty simple actually. Our ship got attacked by pirates and they put a bug in it so it crashed and we time corered on to the ship but we didnt know what time it was till it happened and well we went back like 20 years in time and now we have no way to get back to our ship."

"That still doesn't answer my question of who you are" mom said. I looked over at my team and a few of the nodded eliza and lily didnt even look at me

"So my name is emily and this is my crew we just like you guys but from the future. Um this is zach he goes out into the field with me James, and Leonard. Those two sitting in the corner are eliza and lily. Lilly is the ship technician and eliza runs back up in case we need it and is always on coms. Me and James are twins. James and Leo are together, so are lily and eliza. And zach here is my boyfriend." I say proudly looking at my team I wouldn't want any other team in the world with me. I grew up with them were all related some how whether through love, family, or blood it's nice having people around you that you know and love when working but it has it's down side at times like when one of us gets hurt it's like no other pain in the world that you've felt and it hurts to see them like that. I was snapped out of my thoughts when mick said something incoherent probably something about beer that's when mom spoke up "so no last names then or are you guys just keeping them away from us"

"We dont want to tell you our last names until we find out that telling you them wont cause anything to go wrong with the timeline" I responded to my mother.

AN: hey sorry I haven't updated in a while so here's this I hope you guys like it

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