Chapter Four (Thursday)

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Yet again I chose my seat in the back of the class, away from all the commotion. Just as I'm getting settled in and taking a seat, I get a tap on my shoulder. "Boo!" the person says as I turn around. I lightly punch them in the shoulder..... it's Noen. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "This is school dumbass what do you expect" he says. This time instead of him sitting in front of me, like in first period, he pulls up a chair and sits right next to me.  "Why does that kid over there always have people following him around?" I ask. "That's Kevin, he does this app called tik tok and is kinda famous on there." "I used to be on that app for a little bit but then kids found out about it at school and I just got to scared of the feeling of everyone knowing who I was, but Kevin over there doesn't seem to mind as much or at least I think he doesn't ."

I tell Noen that Kevin looks like he does not want to be over there at all with those people and that we should go talk to him. But before we can even get up and do anything the teacher comes in the room and class begins.
7th period bell goes off and everyone floods the hallway to leave. I grab my backpack and lug it over my shoulder. I meet Noen outside at the bench in front of the school for pickup time. "So how did you like your first day at your new school?" he says in some weird dad voice trying to mock a parent talking to their child. "Surprisingly not as bad as I thought it could've been." "Good I'm glad, I was gonna say this earlier but do you want to maybe hang o-.." BEEP! BEEP! Noen gets cut off mid sentence from his mom being here to pick him up. "I'll catch up with you tomorrow" he says as he's walking to his car.

So there I was, sitting on the bench all alone, gonna go on my phone a little bit till I have to leave. I feel a body plump down right next to me. I look over and it's fucking KEVIN?! He's just sitting there on his phone too. To be honest it felt kinda awkward. So I decided to break that awkwardness by purposely dropping my backpack of the bench. Kevin sees it has fallen and reaches down to pick it up and hand it to me. HA works every time I say in my head.

~A TIK TOK OF A RIDE~ w/ Kevin Perry & Noen EubanksOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora