"Okay Alison, I'm ready to help you now." I say walking out of my room into the kitchen. I open the fridge and pull out the gallon of milk. Grab a bowl from the cabinet, a spoon, and my favorite cereal from the pantry.

I eat my cereal and wait for Alison to come to me. This girl literally takes the longest time in the bathroom. Five minutes later, I'm done with my bowl of cereal and she's still not out of the bathroom. I wash my dishes and put the milk back into the refrigerator.

I walk towards the hallway restroom and knock on the door. "Alison! I've been waiting for you for the past 15 minutes."

"Coming! Almost done!" She screams. Few seconds later and she opens the door.

"What the heck were you doing ? I didn't hear you flush." I ask her.

"Nothing important..."

I let it alone and walk towards to the living area and take a seat at the edge of the couch. "Okay Alison, whatever you say," I speculate, "So, what do you want to get Scott?"

"I honestly don't know," Alison starts, "I wanted to make him one of those exploding picture box things that you gave me for my birthday."

"Ouuu, we can go to Walmart to print out the pictures." I suggest.

"Okay, let me get my wallet." Alison runs to her room.

Knowing that she's going to make me drive, I grab my black fanny pack and my car keys from my room. "I'll wait for you in the car!"

I make my way down the hall and into the elevator. We live on the 7th floor of the complex so the elevator ride wasn't long.

I hop into my car, roll down the windows, and shuffle my music. The first song that plays is Paradise by Kolohe Kai. Mid song, Alison plops herself into the passenger seat.

"You and your Island music, yeah Nalani." She pointed out.

"You already know!" I smile, pulling out of the parking stall.

"Oh yeah, instead of Walmart can we go to Target?" Alison asks.

"Why Target?" I question.

"I don't know, I like Target better." She states.

"Okay... up to you."

Takes about 20minutes to get to Target. We make our way straight to the photo center at the back of the store.

"So how much pictures are you planning to print?" I ask Alison.

"Maybe 10?" She answers

"Damn only 10? That's gonna be a small picture box ." I inform Alison.

"What do you mean? I thought that's how much photos you put?"

"I put like 20 or 30 photos. 10 is not close to enough photos. Plus you want the picture box to be hella cute, so you have to put hella pictures."

"Oh my god, Nalani, I don't think I can do that by tonight." Alison doubts herself. "How long did it take you for you to finish mines?"

"Maybe a day or two but I definitely didn't rush myself." I answered.

"Nalani," She shuddered, "I don't know what I'm suppose to do now."

"Didn't Scott break his lacrosse stick last game? Why don't you just buy him a new one?" I suggest. "But what do you mean by tonight?"

"The party is tonight, don't you remember? We were talking about it in class the other day." Alison reminds me at the very last minute.

I completely forgot about the party tonight. I mean yeah I knew it was his birthday and Scott always throws a party, it just didn't cross my mind until Alison brought it up. I honestly was just planing to stay in bed and do some studying. I guess I have plans now. Plans that I completely forgot about up until now.

"Shoots, I completely forgot." I exclaimed, "We better hurry then because we still need to find a place to get the lacrosse stick." I grab Alison by her arm and make a small sprint towards the exit door.

We end up driving almost an hour just to get to the sports shop. Probably only one of the sports shop that has lacrosse gear. Usually I would prefer to look around and try to find things on my own before asking where anything is but we need to speed up time. I make Alison ask one of the employees and he's quick to point us in the right direction. Just as soon as he tells us where the lacrosse gear is, we run off and yell thank you as we walk away.

"Oh my god," Alison stutters, " how am I suppose to know which one to get him?"

We get to the lacrosse section and I'm amazed at how much options they have. I stand there silent look at everything. Alison asks me which one should she get him but I have no clue. Like I know anything about lacrosse. The only lacrosse I've ever known about was on MTV TeenWolf, that's about it.

I shrug my shoulders and nod my head no. We're so confused right now and don't know which stick to choose. We really don't know if there's even a difference but I'm pretty sure Scott has a reference. At this point we've been standing here for five minutes trying to decide which one to get.

"The one on the right," A guy comes up from behind us.

"You play lacrosse?" I ask him.

"Yeah, I do," he answers, "I'm Jaydon by the way." He stretches his hands towards me.

"Nalani," I shake his hand, "and this is Alison."

Jaydon waves at Alison and she awkwardly smiles back.

"Are you sure?" Alison blurts at Jaydon.

He laughs, "Yes, I'm way more than sure. Trust me."

Alison quickly thanks him, grabs the lacrosse stick, and forcefully pulls me out of the aisle heading towards the registers. Alison pulled me away just as soon as Jaydon was going to say something.

"Well then, there's that. Good thing he was there or else we would've been here for hours." I sigh and Alison agrees. "Okay, lets go wahine."

An hour later and we're back home. "Ali, so are you just gonna give it to him like that?"

"Should I? Or should I put a bow or ribbon on it?"

"I think it's better to put a bow on it. Make it look like you did something." I laugh. Sometimes Alison puts in the smallest bit of effort. She cares, she really does, but she shows it in the most minimalist way.

I leave Alison to do whatever it is that she does. I go to my bedroom and try to plan out what I'm going to wear. I know we're gonna be there for quite a while so I don't want to wear heels. Or do I? I don't know we'll see what happens.

I woke up around 10am and right now it's a little past 2pm. Damn we took almost four hours just to buy a lacrosse stick.

I don't know what I'm suppose to do for the next five hours. Scott's party starts at 8pm and is probably gonna last until early morning. Another party at the club. It's gonna be a crazy night.


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