Adoption Day

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Hey guys!!! sorry i havent been on in a while i got an iPhone 5s😋 anyways thanks for voting and i think commenting. i really dont know but yea!

Callie's Pov

It's been three long months. The court system said that I can't be adopted because the man I thought was my father wasn't. And so I had to meet a complete stranger that claims he's my father. I think it's a bunch of crap, but they in order for me to get adopted I have to get him to sign some papers saying he abandoned me.

"Hi I'm Robert." He said shaking my hand.

"I'm Callie as you know." I said. This house is a McMansion.

"Well to start off, there are three floors, the top floor is a guest floor, the second floor is my other daughter Sophia's floor, and the first floor is the kitchen, dining area, living room, and our room." Robert said walking out to the balcony over looking the pacific. He had three pools, one for laps, one with slides inside and out of it, and then your normal everyday pool with a diving board. I scanned the padio a little more. there were two staircases leading up to a balcony over looking everything.

"I suppose one of these balconys is Sophia's?" I asked.

"Yes. Oh she probably didn't even hear you come in! I'll be right back." Robert's wife said walking up the west staircase.

"This is awkward." I whispered to Stef.

"Just power threw it." She whispered back.


So it turns out Liam can adopt me without the papers. I was going threw a mental check list of what I needed and what I had packed.

"Callie." Jude said knocking on the door with his eyes shut tight.

"Yes goofball." I said putting my stuff by the door.

"Are you coming back?" He asked opening his eyes.

"Well, I'll come for birthdays and sleepovers with Mari but other than that no." I said unplugging my phone charger and throwing it in the bag for the car ride to the air port.

"Can you stay for my birthday?" He asked.

I don't want to disapoint him, but I have to leave.

"I can check with Liam if he can get me a flight but yeah I'll ask him." I said messing his hair up.

"Okay cool. It's just going to be everyone in the house, the grandparents, two or three friends, and I think the neighbors might stop by before they leave for the beach." He said all excited. I'd hate to say no to him, but I might have to.

"CALLIE LIAM'S HERE!" Stef yelled upstairs. Everybody piled out of Jesus and Jude's room. Jesus helped me carry everything downstairs. I hugged everyone Jesus twice.

IN MALIBU (where Liam lives)

"Oh my gosh. Please let me open my eyes!" I said playfully pushing Liam.

"Not yet Cal. About five minutes." He said.

"You said that twenty minutes ago." I said.

"I know I'm just keeping my sister on her toes." He said coming to a stop.

"Okay. You can open." He said taking away my hands. I looked at the building at it was as big as a skyskraper.

"We live in the Pent House for two years and then we have to move." He said getting my stuff out of the jeep.

"Why?" I asked.

"My lease ends in two years." He said getting a cart to put my things in.

I could get used to this...

I don't know...

Adoption Day is three days away...


Today Liam and I have to go to court with all the papers and things for me to get adopted. The Foster's are going to be there with me just in case something goes wrong.

"Callie c'mon! We gotta be there at nine sharp!" Liam yelled up the stairs.

"Okay! Be right down!" I yelled back.

I walked down to see brother for the first time in a suit. He looked handsome.

"You should wear a suit more often." I said doing a last make up check.

"Well I am your lawyer." He said grabbing his breifcase and other things. "Let's go!" He said pushing the elavator.

At the courthouse

"Callie Quinn you are now here by under the guidence of Liam Quinn. And you have requested not to speak to your father again I presume?" The judge asked.

"Yes your honor." I said.

"This case is closed. Congratulations Callie, you and Liam will be brother and sister again." The judge said getting up and walking into one of the wierd doors.

I made it...

I'm in a real family...

Thanks mom... I really needed it

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