Maybe I like you

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Callie's Pov

I decided I'd come clean about my feelings for Jesus. After dinner I went to his room.

"Hey. Do you have a minute?" I asked second guessing myself.

"Yeah. Come sit." He pointing to his bed.

"Um. I think I like you." I said looking at my feet.

"I was going to tell you! I mean not today, but at some point and time! Callie, I like you to te point where I would run away with you." He said grabbing my hands.

I laughed. "You're hands are freakishly big." I said.

"C'mon Callie. I'm not like one of those guys who uses you and then dumps you." He said looking into my eyes

"Jesus. I want us to happen, but people like Talya, I don't think I could handle that everyday. I mean you see how I handled her today." I said looking at the ground.

"Callie. I'd do anything for you." He said letting go of my hands. He looked my directly into my eyes. He started leaning in when I stopped him.

"I'm going to the beach with Mariana tomorrow, wanna come?" I asked him.

"THE BEACH!" Jude practically screamed loud enough for the whole neighbor hood to hear. I heard footsteps coming towards Jesus and Jude's room.

"What happened?" Stef asked.

"Nothing. I was saying that Mariana and I were going to the beach tomorrow and I was inviting Jesus, and Jude walked in and well you know." I said trying not to giggle.

"Well, that's a great idea, but if I was going I'd take little man over hear. Now that he's heard B-E-A-C-H-" she was cut off by Jude.

"the beach" he whisper screamed.

"Yes. But Callie please take him." Stef said messing up his hair.

Later that night

I walked down to the kitchen to get some water when I heard one of the steps creak. I looked back and it was Jesus.

"Hey. What are you doing up this late?" He whispered.

"Couldn't sleep you?" I asked.

"Same." He said grabbing a glass. I put mine in the sink and bumped his hand.

"Sorry." I said.

"Don't be." He said. He leaned in and his lips touched my lips. They were soft. I felt sparks. I smiled against his lips. He pulled away.

'Damn' I thought.

"I'll see you in the morning before we

leave." He said pecking my lips again.

Jesus Foster is my crush

No I like him

Maybe Love him


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