Who's this?

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Jesus' Pov

The person at the door was mom. She had a girl with her. I looked at Mariana who seemed kinda pleased that she was here.

"Everyone, this is Callie Quinn. She'll be staying here for a while." Mom said introducing her.

"I'm Mariana. That's Jesus. And Jude's upstairs with his friend doing homework." Mariana said.

"Nice to meet you." I said shaking her hand.

"Where's the bathroom?" She asked.

"I can give you a tour if you like? If it's okay with you." I said.

"Uh... Sure." She said uneasy,

I was taking her to the kitchen first, because that's where we'll be most of the time. Then i took her upstairs and showed her where she'd be staying.

"That's Brandon's room, but he's in the moutains with his evil girlfriend." I said trying to make conversation.

"What's his girlfriend's name?" She asked in a low voice.

"Talya. Nobody in the house likes her, but Brandon is ignoring the pshyco signs she keeps setting off. Like for example, last week she told Mariana to stay away from him because she thought there was something between them. And then the day they left, she threatened Jude." I said in a low voice so no one could hear me down stairs.

"I think i know her. She might have been a niece of one of my past foster moms." She said looking around for the bathroom.

"What's wrong Callie? I see your not okay." I said grabbing her wrist gently.

"I need to get out of here. If Talya sees me she won't only threaten you guys, but she'll do something to me." She said.

"Callie, nothing will happen to you. Stef's a cop and-" she cut me off.

"No Jesus, she'll do it on her own time not when everybody else is around. But i know her a lot more then you do and she's going to sabotage this family if i don't leave." She said about to cry.

"I'm not going to let her do that. I barely know you, and even though i don't know everything yet, I'll protect you from what she throws at you." I said looking her straight in the eyes.

"Thank you." She said giving me a side hug.

I walked her to the bathroom and i told Mariana what she told me about Talya.

"We have to do something. But we can't tell moms" she said to Jude and I.

"So what do we do?" Jude asked.

"We sabotage her first. She thinks we're 'best friends' so i know all of her secrets." She said in a sly tone.

Later that night.

"I'M HOME!" Brandon yelled coming in the door.

"Alright Jude go out there and tell Brandon what Talya told you." I whispered nudging him.

"Hey Talya i was wondering if you meant what you said before left the other day. That I'm getting in your way of Brandon and to back off?" He said. He handled that nicely.

"Jude i think you meant about how she threatened you. To get away before you get hurt?" I said and walked toward Jude.

Then Mariana played the video she recorded of Talya saying what she did.

"So i think you should leave now Talya. Oh i almost forgot. CALLIE!" Mariana said. Callie came strolling down the stairs.

"Or is it how you threatened me with Liam? What was you said? Oh yeah. Liam's mine and you can't have him. But you have both Brandon and Liam. LIAM!" She screamed.

"Hey ex-baby." Liam said.

"BYE TALYA!" We all screamed and high-fived.

"WHAT IN THE WORLD IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS? ARE YOU SERIOUS?" Brandon screamed opening the door to look for Talya.

Callie looked worried. It turns out, Liam is Callie's biological half brother. Not what Talya said.

"Brandon, she was bad news, and you seriously need a chill pill. You didn't believe any of us when we said what she said. Now you know." Mariana said closing her lap top. We all crowded around Callie in the living room and she told us what happened with Talya.

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