I'm Bad

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~Yudiano's pov~

'Ughhh, I'm so tired!' I thought once, I sat down in the Grand Hall, waiting until I saw my sis. Once I closed my eyes and laid my head down on the table, I heard someone sinker. Lifting my head I found who was laughing, and it was Draco Malfoy himself. Rolling my kinda dark shade of brown eyes, I looked for my sister, until I found her talking to Dumbledore.

Looking at her, she gave me the look saying, "I know what I'm doing" look. Making me nod, and with that she and Dumbledore left the Grand Hall. Going back to what I was doing, I heard that someone sat next to me. Looking over to the right, I found Malfoy sitting their looking at me. "Do you need something?" I asked in my husky deep voice. "I am Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." He said.

"Yudiano, Yudiano Torres Riddle." I answered back. "Riddle, where have I heard that name?" Draco mumbled to himself. "Have you ever heard of my father?" I questioned him this time. "Father?" He questioned himself. "Never mind." I said to him. Looking around to get out of the awkward conversation. Looking to see if there's anyone I can talk to. Finally finding some people, I quickly went over to those

Finally reaching over to them, one of them, the red head noticed that I was coming coming over to them. I'm guessing that he told his friends because they all looked over to where I was coming from. When I finally reach over, the red head quickly said this, "What is a Slytherin doing here?" Not really responding to his question, I said, "You got to help me!" in a hush whisper.

"From who?" said the bushy browned hair girl. "From Draco.." I said. "Why are you hiding from him?" said the kid with glasses. "The conversation with him got awkward." I said. "I thought all Slytherin liked to be Malfoy's friend.." The red head said. "If you don't see, but I'm new dude." I said. "Well, I'm Hermione, Hermione Granger." She said. "I'm Ronald Weasley, but call me Ron." the red head grumbled. Looking at the last one which is the guy with glasses, he said, "And I'm Harry, Harry Potter." He said, having a pale pink on his cheeks.

"Glad to meet you Hermione, Ron, and Harry." I said to them, "Where did you come from?" Hermione ask me, trying to make a conversation. "Well, I originally came from Mexico City, Mexico, but went to America to have my classes their," I stop, looking at them to see that they are listing carefully, "But my parents went to Tokyo, Japan where they adopted my sister, Monster."

I told them, still looking straight ahead, "So I went to Tokyo and meet her, and after some time we both came here, in London, England." I finished. "Wow, you have been in Mexico, America, and Japan!?" Ron yelled, making people around us to turn around. "Heh nothing to see here folks~" I said with my Mexican accent seeking threw. Making girls and some boys blush.

"Wow, never knew Mexicans were so sly." Hermione said. "Well what can you say, I know what the women like." I said, making it clear that I sometimes flirt if I feel like it. "So where are you guys heading too?" I questioned. "Potions with Snape." Harry grumbled. "Snape...... yeah never heard of him." I said. "You never heard of Severus Snape!?" Yelled out Harry.

"No dude I don't know him,........ but we all have potions right?" I questioned them. "Yeah, since Gryffindor and Slytherin are always seemed to have the same classes." Explained Hermione. "Humm, nice." I said. "We better hurry before Snape gets us in trouble." said Ron, running with the other two running to catch up. "Well I didn't even get a chance to ask them where the class is." I said to myself, and it seemed to catch someones else's attention too.

"Well Riddle it seems like they left you behind." Draco said, walking to my side with two other guys. Seeing that I was looking at the other guys, Draco said, "These two are Crabbe and Goyle." Humming, I said, "Fuck me." And I told Draco to take me to Snape's class. And he did.

~When We arrived to Snape's class~

When we got their, Snape was already saying something about potions. "So you decided to come late, Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle," but he stop and started at me, and said, "And if it isn't Yudiano Riddle Torres, our other famous celebrity." Me being me I said, "What's up Profe." looking back at him, I saw that he wasn't very happy with what I just said.

"Sit down, and listen, just because your new doesn't mean you get to be late." He said, I go and try to find a seat, and I did,........ and it was beside Malfoy. 'Fuck me.' I thought. Smirking at Snape, I said, "You can continue Profesor(Professor in Spanish)." Him not really listing or ignoring what I said, continued on like I wasn't there.

Feeling someone taping me on the shoulder, I turned to my left to see Draco there, until he whispered, "What the bloody hell are you doing!" With me responding, "Nothing Dragon blanco(White Dragon in Spanish)." Turning back to listen to Snape, I felt another tap on my shoulder, thinking it was Draco, I said "What!?" When he said, "Why are you responding to Snape like that!?"

Smirking, I said to him, "Because Mr. Malfoy~ I am Bad~"

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