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Olivia outfit

Olivia outfit

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Olivia prov

It's been a couple of days seance the meeting and my lawyer's looked at all the paper work and right I'm signing it and go to send before i get work. thing with London have been going great but  I'm just trying to find a way to tell that i took the job to learn from her to see how she runs her business because she is the top best business women in the u.s. that way i can be another top business women to but don't know how she will react but i should tell her soon.

I drop the paper  off and now i'm at the office  with London's coffee  just wait for to arrive pretty much I had the work that was on my desk done so I'm just waiting for London  to assign something to do. pretty much me and London at work  act a little like a couple but we still get stuff done for the day  which is good but we don't show it in front of other employee's . Ding  i look at my phone see a  text from my friend Mia we been talk about when i should tell London about me learning from her and me taking over the family business.

M- Mia O-Olivia

M-So are you planing on telling her about we been talking about or are you going to chicken out? 

O-I think will tell her tonight but can you text me later something positive I have to go she almost to the office. 

M- I will talk to you later.

As i look up I see her walking off her elevator that I started using it to but dang that outfit she wearing looks so good on her.   

"Dang babe you look good in that outfit"

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"Dang babe you look good in that outfit". It shows her body off good. "Thanks babe now come to my office to see what we need to get done today". As i follow her in to her office I look at her nice ass "Babe stop looking at my ass you will  see it later tonight". "But your ass looks to good not to look at".  she goes around her desk "So i did the paper work that you wanted me to do is done so do have anything else you want me to get done right now oh here is your coffee" she take her coffee and looks over the paper's as she look's over them I study her I can't believe how lucky I am to date a beautiful she is and wounding how she will react when I tell her.

London prov

As I look over that Olivia finished i feel her look over at me I feel sooo loved and cared for when she looks at me like that and it feels so good to be myself around her. I have this feel like she has something to tell me so going to wait until  she ready even though I don't like waiting that much. And that outfit that she wearing looks so good on her I just take her on my desk right now but I might do that at after work hours and everyone is out of the building but anyways I don't get how she get these paper's done so fast the way i like the way i like them done. 20 min go by and I'm done ready these paper's and there is nothing else for her to do beside take phone call's, make appointment's, and to get us lunch.

"well the all the work is done for today all you will have to do beside take phone call's, make appointment's, and get our lunch's but that about it." I say as i look into those brown eye's that i love of her's. "'Ok if that it i go back to my desk to do that stuff". Now it's my turn to look at her ass as she walks out of my office and dang she got a good ass. When I took her to meet my family a few weeks ago that was a first time in a while since I had someone i cared for to meet my family and them to my family.

As the day goes on everything get's done and for lunch me and Olivia had lunch together and just talk and got to know each other but i notice when I tried to get more info about her family she would avoid the big stuff about them so I'm just going to have to ask her why would she avoid it. 

Olivia comes into my office and sit's on my lap and gave me a long kiss. "Um London I want to be complete honest  with and at lunch I was not trying to avoid the talk about my family I just wanted to tell the hole story". She looks so nervous "So tell what got's you looking so nervous'.

"Um I didn't just move out here because of my Ex but also get a job to work for you to see how you run your business because your one of the top females business women in the u.s. so to learn for how do thing because i will be take over my family business's I all ready got my law degree and business degree and I'm not just any other Smith my family the Smith company and law firm and the reason I'm taking over is because my sister's and brother's don't want to  take because they got there own thing going for them. And the reason I got two degree's at my age I study all the time and  got a good IQ". 

"Um I don't know what to say right now just give me a couple of days". 


she walks out of my office I just don't how to feel about this it's just  all  to much.

Olivia prov

I'm just going give some days and just hope she does not brake up with me. 

until next time

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