Bi's Story with Pan

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   It all started out one day, when me and Pan were getting Starbucks-Um I don't know anything about-Shush it Pan, it's my story time.
   We were sitting there chatting about how Ace was such a demi-downer, Hetero was secretly depressed, and how Homo always bragged about being the "original" sexuality(Even though Hetero was).
   Then I saw him. His white bleached hair, eyes as cutting as ice, tan skin making him seem like a total dreamboat. He totally was. Everything was perfect until Pan opened their mouth.
   "Hiya there!!" Pan called out and waved at the dream man. Quickly averting my eyes I pinched Pan harshly letting them give out a yelp.
   "What I was just gonna ask his name-" "No Pan, you don't just yell out 'Hiya there!' When we're in public! It makes you look like a sociopath!" Pan huffed and turned to apologize but he had left. Oh, now my eye candy was gone. Stupid Pan.
   "Look Bi I'm sorry but it's just my everyone remember?" They said signaling to themself. Growling quietly I stood up, threw away my Vanilla Bean, and left the store. If Pan was going to ruin me having a good time then I would just leave. Of course Homo got word of the situation and sat us both down, talking and yelling at us at the same time.
   "You can't leave each other! Do you remember what happened last time?!!" Homo barked as Pan started snickering.
   "..Ace got black out drunk and we sold him to a bunch of Mafia guys..." I mumbled and Pan bursted our laughing soon being hit by Homo. Hetero rubbed their eyes tiredly as Demi shook their head muttering.
   "Your both on house lockdown-" "WHAT?! YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" Pan screamed as Hetero glared Pan down.
   "Fine by me." I replied as Demi got up and patted Hetero's head, then left to go eat with Ace.
   "And one last thing," Hetero looked up with their hardened and tired black eyes.
   "No more Starbucks unless you can get along. And I mean it." He left as Pan huffed and ran to their room. I rolled my eyes and went to bed.

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