Tiffany's Story

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"Happy Birthday Tiffany!"

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"Happy Birthday Tiffany!"

Tiffany wakes up with fear and sees her parents and 3 siblings with a birthday cake

" really gave me a scare."Tiffany says as she wipes her eyes and yawns

"I'm sorry sweetie. But I've got a special birthday present for you downstairs"Her mother says with a kind smile

Tiffany's eyes widen and she runs downstairs to see her best friend Kelly with suitcases around her and two tickets in her hand.

Tiffany's eyes widen and she runs downstairs to see her best friend Kelly with suitcases around her and two tickets in her hand

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Kelly smiles as she waves her pink messy bun.
(Gosh she's so pretty) Tiffany thinks

"OMG Kelly!"Tiffany runs and hugs Kelly
"Hey bestie! Happy Birthday girl."Kelly says as she hugs Tiffany back

"We thought you two could go to that resort you were talking about last week."Her father says

"Shut up! NO WAY!"Tiffany reclaims

"Oh yea. Me and you gonna be gettin our sunscreen and a whole lot a cute guys."Kelly smiles

"Oh my god. Thank you so much Mom!"Tiffany says as she hugs her mother and father.

"Well your flight leaves in 3 hours so hurry up and get dressed and I'll drive you to the airport."Her father says

"Eeeek!"Tiffany squeals and runs upstairs


"I love you mom."Tiffany hugs her mother and kisses her on the cheek.

"I love you dad."Tiffany hugs her father and kisses him on the cheek.

"And I'm gonna sure miss you brats."Tiffany says as she rubs her younger siblings head.

"When are you gonna come back."her younger sister asks.

"In 5 weeks."Tiffany smiles.

"How much is five weeks mom."She says looking up at her mother

"It's only for a few days sweetie."Her mother smiles

"Well bye guys!"She says as she waves to them goodbye

"This is gonna be the best birthday ever!"Tiffany says as she goes inside the airport.

"Alrighty! Our flight should leave in 30 minutes"Kelly says looking at her Apple Watch.

Tiffany puts her stuff on the seating
"I'm gonna go use the bathroom."Tiffany says

Tiffany goes inside and with no people inside.

She looks in the mirror and spots a pimple on her chin

"Ugh Gross!"Tiffany says as she try's to pop it but suddenly interrupts her with flickering lights.

Suddenly the door closes shut.

Tiffany glances and anxiousness rushes over her face.

"Hello! Who's there! Kelly is that you? That's not funny! Open the door!"Tiffany says as she tries to open the door suddenly she looks behind her and someone swings an ax at her.

Kelly hears Tiffany's scream and looks at someone in a black hoodie run out of the bathroom with an ax and red stuff on it.

"What the hell?"Kelly raises her eyebrow and goes towards the bathroom.

"Tif? You in here?"Kelly sees blood on the floor leading towards a stall.

"Woah. Major period."Kelly says

Kelly knocks on the stall "Tif? You ok? U need a tampon?"

"Tif?"Kelly opens the door and sees Tiffany sitting on a stall with her eyes closed and blood on her cloths

"Omg Tif!? Are you ok!!"Kelly says as she shakes Tiffany's body and Instantly Tiffany's head unattaches and rolls on the ground.

Fear takes over Kelly as she screams


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