Aspen's Story

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*RING RING*"Hello? I'm on my way keep your shit together sis

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"Hello? I'm on my way keep your shit together sis."
Spencer talks to her older sister as she walks through a dark alley to home.

"Use language like that again, I'll tell mom. Your 13 for Christ sake" Aspen recalls.

"Listen penny. I'm a teenager already I can handle my-" Spencer stops walking and sees a group of men drinking and smoking.

"Hello? Spence??"Aspen yells through the phone

One of the men hear her and so do the others.

"Aww shit"Spencer quickly turns around and starts to walk fast.

"What? What is it??"Aspen says.

"Hey sweetie? You shouldn't be out here at night. How about you come back and have some fun with us??" Man #2 says.

Spencer starts to run but then another group of men walking toward her stops her. She starts to panic and turn around and then they all crowd around her.

"Please. I don't want any trouble. I just want to get home to my sister" Spencer shivers

"Your Sister eh? She's not here. We're here. And your gonna make us have a good night" Man #2 says

He grabs her by the wrist and pushes her head down his area.

"That's it sweetie. Get it all in there"He laughs.
The others start to laugh too.

Spencer starts to cry and scream.
"HELP! Help SOMEBODY! PLE-" before she could finish. He pulls her hair and slaps her.

"You better do as I tell you little lady. Or I'm gonna make sure you never walk again. If you know what I mean." He jokes as he winks at everyone

Spencer keeps crying.
He grows angry. Raises his hand to slap her.

All the men frightened look behind them.
As a brown curly headed girl with hazel eyes wearing Ripped skinny jeans, Black leather boots, a striped shirt with a blue jean leather jacket walks up to them with a Revolver in her hands.

"Who the hell are you!?"Man #3 says

"It doesn't matter who I am dickhead. Step away from the girl before I blow all of your heads off. Understand?"She says with her firm angry eyes pointing the gun at them.

Man #2 laughs
"Your just a girl. Little girl like you don't have no guts to shoot somebody."He scoffs

She smiles and steps forward to them.
"Try me."

"Get your disgusting hands off of her. NOW!"She yells

Frightened. He instantly lets her go.
Spencer runs to Aspen and hugs her.

Police step out of there cars and the men quickly raises there hands up as the officers arrest them.

"Are you ok?"She says as She caresses Spencer's hair

"I'm sorry."she cries. "I should've listened to you. I was so scared penny!" Spencer says as she hugs her tightly

"I want you to always be by my side Aspen from now on. Promise me?"Spencer wimps

"I promise."Aspen smiles


"Morning Aspen. Sleep well?" Ms.Meredith asks
"No.. I uh had another dream."Aspen says

"About what."She asks
"About my sister. She was alive."Aspen says as she takes her medication

"Oh I'm sorry. I know it's a lot to take in. Losing your sister but she's in a better place now."Ms. Meredith smiles

Aspen gets up and changes into her cloths.
"Aspen where are you going?"She asks

"Out. I can't be cramped up in here. I need fresh air"Aspen says as she goes outside.

Aspen walks down the side walk and heads towards the graveyard. She then finds her sister's grave yard.

Spencer DiLaurentes
Loving younger sister and friend

"It was my fault. If only I was there for you"Aspen cries

Aspen stops crying and stands up.
She goes to her building and goes to the 7th floor.
She quickly climbs her way up to the Roof.

"I won't leave you again."Aspen says going to the edge.

She closes her eyes and jumps.


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