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Jungkook's POV

I felt something soft on my lips before, almost like being sucked back from the dead...I shot up as my life was returned to me. Trying to regain my breathe, my chest bobbed up and down. "w-where....were am I?!" I yelled frantic, that was until a finger was placed on my lips getting me to shush...

"calm down human..." My eyes flashed upward to the source of the smooth honey like voice

I choked on the air around "w-what...WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU?!" my eye trailed up and down the fish like tail attached to the boy in front of me. " don't really look human..." I sat up in complete shock "WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT AM I? MORE LIKE WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU!?"

"Me?" he pointed to himself

"YES!" i yelled straining my voice

He only smiled "I'm a mermaid you silly human..." I felt myself freeze at his words...what...i knew the ocean held secrets, but i wasn't expecting a fucking mermaid. You know maybe this isn't real and im dreaming yeah....that's it i fell asleep on the cruise and now im having a weird ass dream.

"Im gonna wake up now because there is no way in hell this is real." I laid back down on the sandy beach closing my eyes and prayed to the dear jisoos to wake up. "Human what are you doing?"

"SLAP ME RIGHT THE FUCK NOW!" I demanded, and that's when he did...."I did it! Are you ok now?" He stared at me with a worry written all over his features "oh holy fuck this isn't a dream, oh my god what an actual mermaid is in front of me...." I reached out as my hand was met with the the boy's soft skin "h-human or thing...w-what are you..?" He gave me a shocked face "You actually are real...I'm shocked(jungshook)."

Slowly he turned red "O-of course I'm real." I frowned at him "why aren't you going back into the ocean though...?" He shook his head and bit his lip in worry. "Well...i can't go back not now the rule is..once we save a human or get seen by a human we are banished you know from the ocean." sympathy coursed through my veins as now i knew that he gave up his home just to save me. Someone who doesn't even know why...why would you do that? "Because I didn't want you to die...and living in the ocean well it's boring haha so i don't really mind the consequences."

"Y-you...heard me...wait! I said that out loud?!" The red head nodded before questioning "why are you so panicky?" frowning at his words i quickly shot back "WHAT THE FUCK WHY AREN'T YOU ALL LIKE 'oH i mUsT hiDE thAT iM a MeRmaID." he flinched at my harsh tone making me realize i must've scared him. Softening my tone i stared at him before speaking

"Listen, if it's found out you're a mermaid...then you'll be taken you'll be...used for money and be treated cruelly. So under all circumstances you hide the fact you're a mermaid." he nodded "Ok...I..well i suppose i understand. But uh you see......."

there was a sudden cloud of smoke that appeared obscuring my vision (Think fruit baskets, if you know this anime you're a real one~ author-nim)

once it cleared i got sight of the poor naked boy in front of me desperately trying to cover himself. "u-uh...look a-a-away p-please..." I turned away while taking my shirt off before throwing the piece of clothing at him. "Put that on it'll at least cover you up until i can find something better." There was a silent pause before he slightly protested my offer because he was worried i'd be cold.

"Don't worry I'll be fine we're close to my school and home anyways" He nodded but it was clear he didn't understand what i was talking about.

I stood up and he tried to do the same but instead only ended up falling back down, ah so he's not used to walking huh...? I put my arm under both of his legs and another around his torso, picking him up bridal style "Human? What...uhm...ok...?" I rolled my eyes "Hook your arms around my neck it'll make it easier to carry you" and he did as told. I began the thirty minute walk back to my house.

he just watched and observed in absolute curiosity


"we're here uhm...what's your name?" his eyes furrowed in confusion "I don't have a title or name if that's what it's called."

It was silent as i opened the mansion's door, i sat him on one of many couches in the room. I bent down to his level "Well you look like a Taehyung. So that's your new name, and mine is Jeon Jungkook." a boxy like smile lit up his face

"Im Tae, you're....kookoo." I was taken aback by the nickname as no one has ever called me that. It's normally just kookie, kook, or jungkook "Yeah no im not kookoo, im jungkook or kook." He nodded "okay kookoo." i just rolled my eyes before sitting in thought....what do i do with him...? He can't just stay here my parents are just to strict for that...and according to him he can't go back to the ocean. Maybe he could stay with Namjoon his parents are always complaining about how they want a second child, he would also probably end up going to our school.

"Hey would you mind staying with another human his name is Namjoon."

I practically got tackled to the ground as he was now hugging me almost for dear life, "No I want to stay with kookoo! You're a nice human" I pushed him off of me "No you can't stay and im not nice."

he frowned tears pooling at the corners of his eyes. "Don't cry..." the boy let out a a whimper "You're getting rid of me?" I shook my head no "Im not it's just my parents wont let you stay here his will though..." Tae frowned "But i like kookoo i don't like na....nom....nomjoon." I coudln't help but chuckle

"Meet him and then say that you silly little mermaid."

Tae puffed out his cheeks and pouted, angrily before grabbing my neck and holding me closer "Kookoo you're mine and im yours ok? Alright! YOu are my favorite human in the entire world."

I grabbed his face

"You look like a fish stop."

"Can I be Kookoo's fish?" (UWU)

MY LITTLE MERMAID| [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now