chapter 2- The Harmful Proposition

Start from the beginning

"Excuse me?" I finally said recovering from my respiratory tract disturbance, trying to look as confused as a teenager being explained about the birds and the bees.

"But of course, you are my girlfriend on whom i even spent a fortune in return for the 10 carat sapphire ring, I'm surprised you forgot about our engagement in half an hour." He stated feigning innocence and faking concern whilst folding his arms and leaning back in his chair.

Bloody son of a horse!!



I need this job and a good reply would help stupid brain

Brain : Can't think in pressure

Great another job just slipped into the drain.

"If you are referring to the situation earlier then I'm extremely sorry about what happened, I was getting late so I just got into the VIP one, I request you to not hold that against me as I'm in dire need of this job and will perform to the best of my abilities" I said with all the sincerity that I could muster and at the same time sounding like a helpless woman.

He looked a little surprised for a second, probably me coming clean was something not expected by him.

"Your request is granted , Ms. Sapphire but your answer to the next question will decide whether you get this position or not, Am i clear ?" He asked me and I gave him a slight nod in confirmation and

he proceeded to say "I hope you answer wisely then"



The nervousness was killing me , so I took a huge gulp of the water ,hoping it would calm my nerves.

Woah was I wrong?!?
I was never more wrong

With the most stoic expression i have ever seen on a man and without the slightest bit of emotion showing he asked me ,

"Will You Marry Me ,Ms. Sapphire?"


I blurted and all of the water in my mouth spilled on his desk with little droplets springing to his face. He looked mad for a second but wiped his face with his perfectly crafted and folded handkerchief that he pulled out of his secret pocket in a matter of seconds.Once he looked impeccable again, he focused his gaze on me.

But my respiratory tract disturbance came back again for this time I choked on water and was coughing up a huge storm.

After 10 minutes of coughing , I recovered and tried to make sense of what i just heard.

Maybe I heard wrong?
Thats probably it.

So I asked him, "Pardon?"

"I would not like to repeat my question again Ms.Sapphire, I asked you exactly what you heard and if your answer is not affirmative, you may leave" he said with a stupid straight face.

Wth is wrong with this guy,
I just met him and who the hell asks someone to marry them with an expression that says fuck off

"I thought you stated that you would not hold what happened in the elevator against me? I asked him with a slightly irritated tone.

"And I did not Ms.Sapphire, I would have asked you the same thing even if you would not have travelled in the same elevator " he stated as a matter of fact.

Wait what?

" But why are you asking me to marry you?" I asked super confused at the conversation taking place.

"Simply because you fit the requirements Ms.Sapphire" he stated with a smooth chocolate like voice and his eyes turned a shade darker, as he stared into my pale brown ones.

My cheeks turned red but I was still confused "Mr.Carter I understand that you want me as your wife but for what absurd reason may I ask?"

" To give me an heir to look after my empire, I have no intention of getting married to a woman out of love as such feelings lead to wastage of time and exhaust a man emotionally, Since i want good genes for my child those requirements were stated and do not worry Ms.Sapphire, you will be given lifetime employment in our company if you choose to say yes and even if you choose to not work, you will be able to live the rest of your life filled with luxuries, granted the child's custody would be with me, Am I understood Ms.Sapphire?"

My jaw was probably touching the ground because what this man said could not possibly make sense and did I look like an oven to him, what is wrong with some people.

A child ?! A chillldddddddď?!?!??!
with a stranger ??????
What sort of awful proposition is this

I need to run now!!!!

"You mean I have to give birth to your child ??!" I questioned in an incredulous tone, my eyes were probably bungee jumping out of their sockets.

Is this man insane!!
Someone call the asylum, crazy guy on loose!! , protect your daughters or he might just ask them to give him children!!

"Yes , that is exactly what I'm implying, am I clear now Ms.Sapphire?"

I need to run now!!!!

" Yes, you have made yourself more than clear Mr.Carter, but I will need some time to think this through" I said trying to get out of this situation as soon as possible.

"Of course, this is my personal number and text me when you have an answer, you have three days before I find someone else. You may leave now" he said passing me his card with no emotion at all.

Before standing up one question was eating me up inside and i decided to ask it anyway,

"Wait , how many girls have you proposed this to Mr.Carter?" I asked curiosity getting the best of me.

" Your the first I have wanted to ask this of Ms.Sapphire. Are we clear now?"

"Yes of course, Thank you for your time Mr.Carter" I said standing up from the comfortable chair situated in front of his desk and trying not to trip over myself as i headed back.

Who was this man exactly?!?!

That was the only question on my mind all the while i travelled home.

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