Chapter Two

Depuis le début

I got home. I opened the door, I heard giggles...

It was Carrie's.

She must have heard me coming as she ran into my open arm.

"Hey there, how are you?" She giggled again.

"Pine" she replied. Like I said, her speech wasn't good yet.

Just then Dana came, smiling from ear to ear. She gave me that look, you know, that 'how was meeting the hot boss look'. I rolled my eyes.

Sam also came. "How was it?" He asked about the job. My smile dropped, how was I going to tell them about this, that I got fired on my first day of the job just because I couldn't shut up or at least be smart.

His smile also dropped.

"What happened?" He asked.

Just then Carrie started whining in my arm.

"Mommy." She whined. Yeah... She was hungry. I placed her down.

"Okay sweetie go to your room, mommy would prepare you food now okay?"

She gave me a weird look, probably because I don't usually give her food in her room, I wasn't even in the right state of mind.

"I meant, go to your room, mommy would call you when the food is ready, what do you want to eat?"

"Milk!" She replied smiling, she loved milk but she can't drink that this evening.

"Um, how about cheese sticks, uh?"

She nodded her head, I smiled at her, and she jumped up and down going to her room.

"What happened?" Dana asked. I didn't feel like telling them now but I know them, they wouldn't let me be till I tell them everything. So I told them.

Dana's jaw dropped.

"Why would you do that? That man can make your life a living hell." She emphasized. I rolled my eyes. That man was so arrogant. I hated him.

"There's only a little he can do and besides why would he? He'd be too busy to try to get revenge." I said.

"Just be careful, Lily. Mind how you talk to people like that." Sam said.

I rolled my eyes and gave in. If I keep arguing, it would take the whole night because Dana seemed to be in a mood for arguments.

After some talk, they left.

I gave Carrie the food she was fast asleep.

I have to go back to the restaurant I was working for before, that was my only source of income now... Right now I was broke. I went to the room, I went to the bed cuddling with a sleeping Carrie. I sighed.

"I love you," I whispered. Soon I was fast asleep.


I woke up early, I had to go back to my restaurant work.

I got ready. I prepared breakfast. I went to wake up Carrie, I took her to the bathroom, and I got her ready. We ate together. When we were done, I took her to my neighbor's house, she takes care of the children.

"Okay baby, mommy has to go to work, I'd be back to pick you up later okay?" I said giving her a bag of candy. She beamed at the look of it.

"Hmm, bye" she replied grabbing the bag of candy from my hand.

"Thank you," I told the Lady.

She nodded her head. I turned around to go to the restaurant. I waved at a cab.

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