Dating Five Would Include

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not gonna include the sex cause SOME OF Y'ALL NEED TO STOP SEXUALIZING CHILDREN.

-Gentle bean 100%

-He only smiles around you


-he says he hates it but he secretly loves it

-He loves to slow dance with you


-He love love LOVES to be held

-Can never get enough of your hugs

-Playing with his hair as you cuddle is a thing


-Attempts to be patience with your lack of knowledge (key word ATTEMPTS.)

-You shock him by how smart you are

-then he immediately apologizes

-Soft. So soft

-Also a needy little boy

-"can you make me coffee"


-"but its better when you make it!"

-Gets you whatever you need

-hug? you got it

-cold? ready with 5 blankets

-kiss? always

-hungry? will make you whatever you want

-Plays with your hair

-You being the only one who's seen him cry

-Kills anyone who makes you cry.


-"five you cant just kill people!"

-"too late"

-Always pulls the im older card

-"five you cant just eat all the marshmellows! you'll get sick!"

-"im very old i think im entitled"

-calls you darling, doll, love

-Always protective

-Sweet little boi 🥰

The Umbrella Academy Crack and StuffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora