Shawn's Funeral

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You stand in a black long dress. Looking at the casket being lowered into the ground. Tears drench your face and the top of your dress. Matthew is rubbing your back supportively as he too cries. Mahogany is devastated. Her and Shawn had been secretly going out, you didn't think anyone was crying more then her except Shawn's family. That's when you notice a tall blonde girl crying. She is by far crying the most. Who is she? Shawn's ex girlfriend and childhood friend. That's when you notice Cam. He barley has any tears. Why? Why is he such a stone wall? That's when you see that his staying strong for Nina. His girlfriend who was one of Shawn's best high school friends. Nina was short with long wavy black hair. Her mascara streamed down her face and her dress was knee length with long sleeves. Cam seemed to be holding it back for her. How sweet. Nina is crying hard. Sobbing quite loudly actually. You can barely understand her speech. It was something about a bond. You wipe your tears and lean onto Matt's shoulder for support. Mahogany does her speech and it's amazing. Your nervous for your speech. You stand fix your hair and start.

"Hello. I' know what my name doesn't matter, I'm not what's important. Shawn is. Shawn was talented and kind. Everyone he met loved him. He made you feel at home and special. You were important in his eyes. He was and charismatic. He had issues because all of us do. But he didn't let the flaws defy him. He was strong. He posted pictures of his lazy eye on the internet for millions of judgemental eyes to see. He was fearless. He didn't care that he wasn't perfect because he realized that no one was yet he could make you feel perfect. He could make anyone feel amazing. His hugs were strong yet loving. He never hurt anyone. He always made people's days and you know what? One day I want to be like Shawn. I want to be that amazing person that everyone loves. Everyone should try to be like Shawn, because if we all were the world would be amazing. Shawn was incredible and I'll never forget him. Nobody will ever forget him. Because he is an idol. A shining star in a world of darkness. A symbol of love and kindness. He is and will always be a hero. I miss you Shawn. We all miss you" you step off the podium and sit down. Matt gives you a nod of approval and you notice that Cam isn't holding back the tears anymore.

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