Bullied By Mahogany Lox

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You fly into the wall. The pain surges through you.

"That'll teach you to be a slut" Mahogany spits at you

"I'm not a slut"

"Stay away from Shawn" she shoves your shoulders into the wall really hard. You wince at the sudden pain.

"He is my boyfriend I'm not going to stay away from him"

"He is mine" she slaps you

"He isn't" you whisper as Shawn walks in

"What's going on?" he asks

"A fan slapped her" Mahogany says pulling you into a fake hug "play along" she whispers as she digs her nails into your back "and don't you dare kiss him" she whisper hisses.

You pull away from the embrace.

"Just a jealous girl" you say

"Oh pumpkin" Shawn says hugging you

"She was jealous of us" you stress the last words

Shawn pulls back going into peck your lips but you dodge. 'Not now' you mouth

He hugs you again and spins so that he is facing Mahogany and you aren't. He pushes his face into your hair.

"Who" he whispers so lightly you hardly hear him

"Mahogany" you mumble lightly

"What?" she replies she heard you

"Could you pass me a tissue?" you ask pulling away from your hug

"Mahogany" Shawn says firmly

"Yes?" she turns around and begins to twirl her hair

"Don't you ever touch her again" he says giving her a death glare

"What are you talking about?" she asks...fake confussion plastered all over her face

"You know" he says

"Why are you lying to Shawn?" she asks you

"I'm not" you mutter

"You are lying even after I helped you get away from that rouge fan?" her eyes fill with fake tears

"I'm not lying" you look at Shawn

"I thought we were friends" the tears spill onto her face

"We aren't. Because you are a crazy liar"

"I don't know what to believe so I'm not going to be around either of you" Shawn says leaving

"Great look what you did bitch" Mahogany shouts

"I didn't do anything" you throw your hands up

"Listen you little fucker. I told you to play along" Mahogang charges and punches you in the gut


"I'm glad it hurt you little whore" she starts to hit your sides over and over

"Stop" you scream tears and snot streaming down your face

"You had a god damn choice hoe" she says before pushing you down and slapping your face

Shawn bursts through the door shoving Mahogany off of you. He picks you up.

"Put me down" you scream

"Yea put her down ass hole" Mahogany yells "and pick me up" she says winking

He puts you down.

"You should have fucking believed me" you say jabbing a finger at Shawn

"I'm sorry-" you cut him off

"No. Sorry doesn't cut it Shawn. You asked who and I told you and you didn't believe me"

"I didn't do anything! She started it" Mahogang screams

"Stop lying bitch" you yell

"Calm down" Shawn coos

"You don't get to tell me what to do anymore" you spit at him before running off.

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