[Midoriya] Cool Off

Start from the beginning

[Y/n] tilted her head in confusion but before she could even try to come to a conclusion, the girls suggested a game of water polo.

"I'm in!" She smiled and proceeded to help them set up the net.

They played for maybe twenty minutes, and some girls were being competitive about it whilst others, like [Y/n] and Mina, were just laughing the whole time.

[Y/n] peered to the side of the pool where the boys were and saw they were having a swimming competition.

Iida, Bakugou, Midoriya, and Todoroki had lined up and were about to begin.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna sit this game out!" [Y/n] announced and got out of the pool, sitting on the edge to watch how this played out.

Iida zoomed across the water to the other side, Todoroki used his ice power to create a path, and Bakugou used his explosions to shoot himself across. Meanwhile Midoriya actually swam, but did use his quirk to gain speed.

[Y/n] sighed admirably and rested her cheek on her palm and her elbow on her knee.

"Now that's plus ultra." She said under her breath and grinned at the green-haired boy wistfully.

Just then, one of the girls threw the ball at [Y/n]'s arm, shaking her out of her daydream.

"Ouch!" She yelled and rubbed her arm gingerly, narrowing her eyes at the group of giggling girls.

"I think you're drooling there, [Y/n]!" Mina teased and the girl blushed and growled. With no hesitation, she threw the ball at her friend, not even sure if she was the one who threw it, and Mr. Aizawa abruptly entered the pool area and announced it was time to leave.

The boys complained but [Y/n] and the rest of the girls complied, heading back to the changing rooms. [Y/n] got into some dry clothes then grabbed her bag.

When she walked out, she heard the familiar sound of mumbling and noticed Midoriya against a wall, and he perked up when he saw her come out.

"Uh, hi [Y/n]! I was wondering if I could walk you home?" He asked nervously and [Y/n] tilted her head to one side.

"You- what?" She questioned, a little taken aback.

He shot his hands out defensively and rushed out, "You don't have to say yes! I just figured it's getting late and it can get dangerous at night- not that you need anyone to protect you! I think you're perfectly capable and strong! I just-"

[Y/n] laughed at his rambling and interjected, "Of course you can walk me home! If not for protection, then for company!"

He breathed out and smiled weakly. "Thanks! We should get going before Mr. Aizawa uses his scarf and throws us out."

She laughed with her eyes closed and nodded. "Absolutely!"

She interlocked their arms and he whimpered in shock, staring wide-eyed straight ahead.

With that reaction, she quickly removed her arm from his and laughed awkwardly.

"Sorry, Deku! My mom always tells me I don't know where boundaries are. Totally my fault!"

"No, that's not it! I just- didn't expect it. It's okay..." He trailed off and she swallowed dryly, suddenly losing confidence.

[Y/n] let out a breathy laugh and cautiously looped their arms again, gaining her composure.

The two talked about school, their quirks (although he was a little dodgy due to its secrecy), and All Might all the way to [Y/n]'s house, and she thought it was so nice just seeing how Midoriya was outside of school. He was the same, of course, but more relaxed and casual, and it made her feel comfortable.

The pair approached the gate of [Y/n]'s house and Midoriya suddenly stood in front of her.

"[Y/n], would you like to hang out sometime!" He said it in a way that sounded more like a demand than a question. His eyes were squeezed shut tightly and his hands had balled into fists at his sides.

"Pffft, haha!" [Y/n] burst out and covered her mouth to hush her laughter.

"Huh?" Midoriya's fists loosened and his eyes looked rather sad and confused.

"Aw, sorry. That was just, well- really cute!" [Y/n] admitted and placed a hand on his shoulder.

His eyebrows shot up and he bit both his lips, holding back another whimper poorly.

"I'd love to hang out!" [Y/n] continued and pulled him in for a hug, wrapping her arms around his neck and tiptoeing slightly.

He hugged back after a second, and then in the next, they released, both of them beaming with the goofiest grins plastered on their faces.

In this short proximity, she could see all the freckles dusted across his cheeks and the specks of light and dark green in his eyes.

She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and smiled sheepishly then waved.

"Seeya in class, Midoriya!"
[Y/n] rushed through the gate and towards the front door and just barely heard him reply.

"Seeya... [Y/n]."

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