[Bakugou] Unrequited

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[One of my earliest fics for MHA which is why it's different and the reader insert has a specified quirk, specifically one that gives her rabbit features. But thanks for 1k reads, it means a lot ♡]

Word Count: 960

The loud laughs of Kirishima and Kaminari erupted from a table near the center of the lunch room. Bakugou's fingers drummed against the surface and he rested his chin on his free hand as he stared at the entrance.
"Hey, Bakugou, waiting for Bunny Ears to show up?" Kirishima teased when he noticed his friend's intent gaze on the door.
Bakugou grunted in surprise and he sneered. "No way! I'm just bored. Shut up." He retorted too defensively.
Kaminari scoffed with a smile. "Dude, she's so not into you. I think she hates you more than anyone else in the school does and that's saying something."

Right as Kaminari finished speaking, [Y/n] elbowed the door open and waltzed in, oblivious to Bakugou's perking up. He ignored his friend's statement and walked towards her before he realized what he was doing.
'I don't even know what I'm going to say to her!' He internally panicked but tightened his fists. 'Can't turn back now.'

[Y/n] was just about to sit with Momo when Bakugou stood in her way. She grimaced immediately and placed her hands on her hips.
"Yeah? What do you want?"
Bakugou's eyes widened and he swallowed thickly. "I-I was just wondering if you wanted to sit together?" He was more asking than saying, and he tried sounding as nice as possible.
[Y/n] crossed her arms and glared up at him. She knew how he truly was; she'd seen it time and time again. He was arrogant and self-absorbed, incapable of feeling empathy, and - fittingly - a hot head. Her friends from his class warned her about him and she trusted their judgement as well.
"I'm okay, thanks." She shoved past him and continued making her way to Momo, who had been joined by Mina.

Bakugou was frozen for a second, then he turned around to watch her walk away from him.
He grumbled all the way back to his friends and they held their mouths to stop themselves from bursting laughing.
"Shut up, you idiots!" Bakugou growled and slammed a fist on the table.
"You know that's exactly why she doesn't want anything to do with you right?" Denki started, referring to the burst of rage.
"Your temper is awful." Kirishima continued and nodded while stabbing at his food.
Bakugou sighed and rubbed the side of his face as he watched [Y/n] laugh with his classmates. One of her ears were bent and her tail wriggled every so often. He sighed in both adoration and hurt.

"Bakugou is practically drooling over there." Mina whispered to [Y/n] and giggled as she groaned.
"I don't get why he even likes me. Why'd it have to be me?" She buried her face in her hands in frustration at her unwanted admirer.
"You know, maybe you could be the one to get him to chill out!" Mina suggested and [Y/n] gave her a bewildered look. "But you and Momo told me to stay away from him!"
Mina put her hands up defensively and Momo finally chimed in. "Maybe Mina is right. I mean, we advised you to stay away at first to protect you, but we think you're tough enough to put him in his place. Besides you're a total weakness to him; we doubt he'd hurt you - hell, he probably wouldn't even raise his voice at you. Poor boy is so smitten..." Momo took a bite of her rice ball and glanced between the boy in question and her friend as she chewed.
[Y/n] slumped into her seat in deep thought. They were right, Bakugou was never aggressive near her. If she could really get through to him by spending time together...
"See you guys later!" [Y/n] said suddenly and stood up, taking her tray with her. Her friends looked at her in shock as she practically marched towards Bakugou, who had become distracted by his rowdy friends. Once she was close, he realized she was walking straight up to him and his breath caught in his throat.
'Holy crap, she's coming right towards me! What the fuck do I do? Gah, I sound like a chump! Just be cool.'
He let out the breath he was holding before she sat next to him with a casual smile. "Hey!"
Kirishima and Kaminari both stared at her dumbfoundedly before looking at one another. "H-Hey, we need to get that... thing from Sero!" Kirishima lamely tried to excuse him and Kaminari and Kaminari nodded frantically. "Yeah, yeah, let's do it!" They scurried away and Bakugou sighed at his friends awkwardness before returning his attention to the girl next to him.
"[Y/n]... What changed your mind about sitting together?" Bakugou questioned, not wanting to meet her gaze.
"I changed my mind about you, Bakugou."
At that, he let out a confused noise and whipped his head to see her determined face.
"Listen, I'm not one to just go out and ask people to change their ways, but since you like me so much, I will say we can't hang out unless you're nicer, got that?" [Y/n] raised a white eyebrow and Bakugou melted.
'She's so cute when she's like this... How could I say no?'
He huffed and scratched the back of his neck.
"Fine. I'll... try." He mumbled, looking at her from the side.
She beamed at his willingness, even if it wasn't incredibly convincing.
"Alright! Here's my phone number. Let's hang out sometime!" She scribbled her number on a napkin and shoved it in Bakugou's chest before grabbing her tray and leaving without another word, just in time for the next class.
He was left speechless, clutching the napkin she had given to him.
"Whoa..." He whispered to himself.

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