[Midoriya] Friends With Benefits Part One

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Word count: 1125

Izuku Midoriya was quite the individual. He'd built up strength over the course of a little over a year but he was still the awkward, nerdy guy he always was. Which is why he almost had a meltdown when his best friend suggested them being something more but not quite together.

"C'mon, it'll be great! We could give each other the affection and comfort of a significant other without it being so serious and committed. Either of us can call it off whenever and we can still be friends as normal, AND we can just date someone that comes along if it comes to that and end it, no strings attached. What do you say?" [Y/n] asked with wide, excited eyes, biting her smiling lip.

Midoriya oh-so-badly wanted to actually be with her. But if the opportunity to kind of be with the girl of his dreams is presented to him, who was he to refuse? He didn't like the sound of the whole dating someone else part, but figured it might not happen for her (and it definitely wouldn't happen for him).

"Y-yeah... That does sound... interesting... Hm. Okay! Let's do it!" He finally said with a determined look on his face.

[Y/n] clapped in glee and tackled her friend in a hug, marking the beginning of the transition into their new and odd friendship.

Two weeks passed by and Midoriya felt happier. It really did boost his morale to get to hold [Y/n] pretty much every afternoon, even if she wasn't his to keep. He fought harder, focused better, smiled and laughed more often.

[Y/n] was just as happy. The girls gossiped about their friend's extra chipperness, even if being so joyful was already a part of her personality.

That second Friday evening, Midoriya headed to his friend's dorm humming a little to himself, slightly smiling just from knowing she'd soon be in his arms.

Kirishima caught wind of Midoriya's behavior and stood in his way with a smirk. "Midoriya! What's got you in such a great mood?" He teased, lightly punching his shoulder.

Midoriya blushed but kept in mind it had to be kept secret.
"Ah, just gonna hang out with [Y/n]! Maybe play video games and study or something!"

Before Kirishima could press further, Midoriya stepped around him and went on his way.
"Catch you later!"

He sped to [Y/n]'s and quickly shut the door behind him, closing his eyes as he expelled a long breath.

[Y/n] was on her stomach playing a game in her PJs and just side-glanced at her green-haired friend's entrance.

"Hey, Midoriya!" She greeted with a grin and his cheeks flushed. He subconsciously scanned her body, his emerald eyes following the shapes of her curves and how her hair flowed onto her back.

Forcing himself to snap out of it, he plopped onto her bed beside her, watching the screen as she kept playing.
"Can I, um, put my arm around you?" He asked cautiously, trying to catch her eye.

[Y/n] smiled and paused the game.
"Well actually I can put a movie on or something so we can cuddle, if you want."

Midoriya just nodded, having a feeling his voice would come out shaky.

She did just that and set her controller to the side then jumped back into her bed and onto her unsuspecting visitor.
Midoriya nearly squealed at her sudden proximity but readjusted as fast as he could to not ruin it.

She giggled and fell to the side a little so she was only partly on him but layed her head on his chest and rested her hand on his abdomen.

He recovered from that mini-scare and subconsciously started rubbing her back, watching the movie play out.

"That actually feels really nice... You can go under the shirt if you want."

He could tell she wasn't hinting at anything perverted - it really was just an innocent suggestion - but he couldn't help but get flustered at her wording.

His hand crawled under her shirt, gently running his hands up and down her smooth back. He was shaking a little, feeling like what he was doing was the most scandalous thing ever (in his defense, he still hadn't kissed a girl or even held hands with one).

She smiled contentedly into his t-shirt, feeling her eyes get heavy.
Midoriya became aware of the slow rise and fall of her chest and came to the conclusion she'd fallen asleep.

He did feel a little proud of himself for relaxing her to the point of sleep and soon felt himself drift off too, lazily caressing his friend's skin and feeling the warmth travel from her skin to his fingertips.

[Y/n] woke up half an hour later to the soft snores of the boy under her and remembered where she was and what was going on. She propped herself up a little to look at Midoriya. His green curls were messily splayed about and his mouth was ajar, releasing his steady, even breaths.

She pondered on how lovable he was all around. He was cute, had an admittedly great build (that he worked hard for), and was just so good and pure. Little did he know she too went into this with feelings for him and used it as an excuse to get close without having to confess. There was some guilt to doing such acts with someone who wasn't her boyfriend, but there was no denying it made them both happy.

She sighed and left a feathery light kiss near his mouth, one he'd never know about.

[Y/n] settled herself back into her original position and traced shapes onto the fabric of Midoriya's shirt, contemplating what to do with the situation.
She decided to let it be and let whatever happens happen.

Even later into the evening, Midoriya woke with a jolt, gasping as he took in his surroundings. He felt an odd tingle near his cheek but couldn't pinpoint a reason as to why so he ignored it. Although he did know he needed to head back to his room before lights out, so he maneuvered his way out of [Y/n]'s bed and replaced his body with a pillow, nearly jumping out of his skin when she began to groan and stir in her sleep, but she hugged the pillow close, rubbing her cheek against it.
He wished it could've been him but he really needed to get going, and so he did. But not before one last glance. She looked so peaceful holding what she may as well have thought was his torso and he inwardly swooned at the sight. Before he realized what he was doing, he backtracked to her bed and hovered over her calm face, delicately placing a kiss on her forehead, finally going to take his leave.

[my first story to be in parts :) I dunno, I just figured these were halfway decent so I'd put em up!]

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