"Yeah" he whispered back softly shivering slightly from the fright of the memory.

The scene of them on the hill top with guns pointed at their direction crying for their parents was still vividly clear in his mind. He watched as his sister pushed him off the building with tears in her eyes as she whispered in his ears " Svet said you'll be safe. You'll be happy. She will save you. Take care of mumma papa Ansh"

He fell from the top in the ice cold water as everything went blank.

He still shudders thinking about the memory and the hell that followed after that before his mom came and rescued him.

"It's fine Ansh, I won't let anyone harm you. Never again, it's all in the past. you're safe and sound now." She hummed in his ears as she looked at him with tender eyes

She kept on humming to him until he fell asleep again as she kept on starring at the child she loved so dearly, sleeping peacefully on her lap.

"Toh humare shehzaade so gye (Is our Prince asleep??)" A voice whispered to her as she looked at the boy sleeping in her lap

"Yes, he is finally asleep." She whispered softly looking at her not so little boy

"It's been long since he woke up like that" the man said worriedly kneeling in front of the bed

"Same nightmare" she told him her tone laced with worry and fear as she looked at him with questioning gaze

"He will be okay Ishana" he whispered to his wife in an assuring tone

"But I don't want him to be just okay Reyaan, I want him to be happy and away from all the pain. I don't want to see him like this." Ishana's tone was laced with protectiveness and worry for her only child.

"You know I'll do everything in my power to make sure of that don't you??" Reyaan asked his wife his eyes showing his determination to do whatever he can for his son.

Reyaan Kapoor was the only son of the prime minister and one of the most popular superstar of bollywood turned producer. While Shivansh fondly known as SRK is the present king of bollywood just like his father while Ishana Shah Kapoor is the daughter of the present CM of Mumbai and a well known fashion designer and business woman.

Ishana watched Shivaansh with tender eyes as he slept using her lap as his personal pillow.

"Rey, I'm going to stay with him tonight. What if he gets that nightmare again." Ishana questioned her husband with worried eyes as she decided it will better if she stays with her boy tonight

Nodding in understanding Reyaan also settled in the room. Watching over their sleeping child as they reminisced the day god gifted them this wonderful child.

Ishana was driving back from Reyaan's set when a 5-6 yr old child out of no where came in front of her car. She hit the brakes but still couldn't save the child from being hit. She hastily took the child to hospital. He was saved by God's grace where she got to know he was tortured to beg on the streets. Her heart wailed for the sweet innocent child lying on the plain white hospital bed covered in bandages. Ishana might seem to have every happiness in the world but the thing she craved most was for a child of her own but god seemed to have decided that she couldn't ever bear a child. All her maternal instincts activated seeing the fragile child in front of her at that moment she had decided this child was hers and she would give him the world if he ask for it.

Shivaansh woke up in the morning to find his parents sleeping beside him smiling he wrapped his arms around his mom and slept a little more.


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