First September

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Today,the date that we are looking forward to

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the date that we are looking forward to.
The date that pumps my adrenaline.
Increasing your age for a year.
Means you have entered the 20s.

Our distance, I cannot measure it
or maybe because I cannot afford it.
It is sorrowful to imagine
that I cannot be there to celebrate,
to eulogize how flawless you are,
to glorify how amazing your accomplistment,
to rain you with compliments
and to suprise you with presents.

All I can afford is to pray for you
that you will get your euphoria
with everyone you adore.
Invoke that you will get everything you want
anything that could vanish your sadness.
Praying your pray will be given carte blanche.
That is all my present for you.
Happy birthday to you,
my dear.

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