Dear Luke or Leia,

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Dear Luke or Leia,

   One day, when you're old enough to understand, you'll read this letter. When you do, you'll probably be wanting to know why your father isn't around much. You'll know he's a Jedi and you'll probably admire him more than anyone you will ever meet. But, some days, you won't care if he's saving the galaxy. You'll just want him to be home with you.

   Let me tell you now, don't ever think that it's because he doesn't care. I can tell you without a doubt that he loves you more than anything and he wants to be with you as much as you want him to be home.

   He's very busy, but he's trying. He's trying his hardest and that's what you need to know.

   Your father and I love you so much...

                                     Love, Mommy

                             The End

   Hi guys, a quick authors note, thanks everyone for reading, voting, commenting, and showing me so much support! I couldn't have written these stories without you all! I remember writing Love Padme, in one night over the summer. People asked me to make a sequel and I said sure! Little did I now that I would write three stories! Thanks again for all the support. Especially Godismysavior for some really awesome ideas! I love you guys and I'm sorry I'm ending the series. But don't worry, I'll be back to writing What Could Have Been Part 2 very soon! May the Force be with you all!

Love, Mrs. Skywalker + 1: The Final PagesWhere stories live. Discover now