December 31st (again) 20BBY

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Dear Diary,

   No words describe the sick feeling I have from playing back all the messages I got from Anakin while the projector was turned off.

   As much as it pains me, I will write down everything he has sent me...

   Message 1:

    Hi Padme, it's been a while since I had a chance to message you. We were on the battle lines for about two weeks! I still feel bad about not being able to spend time with you. I know I say I'm trying, but that's no excuse for the months I've been away. It's not fair that I keep putting you off like this.

    You're probably not home yet since you didn't pick up. You'll have to excuse my tracking device. I can't pick up your signal from here but I was able to rig some cables to R2 to get this message through.

   I really miss you Padme. And I know I've said this thousands of times from me, but you deserve to hear it; I love you. So much.


   Message 2: I'm kind of surprised you're not home yet. I hope everything's okay. I really miss you. Battle has been tough lately. I haven't slept in days. I think of you while I lie under the stars at night. I wonder if we see some of the same stars... I mean probably not, but maybe some of those really bright ones that you can see no matter what planet you are on. Yeah, I really need some sleep...

   Anyways, I wish I could come home, and maybe I will be able to soon. I can't wait to see you again. I love you.

  Message 3:

   Padme, it's been forever since you visited Naboo. Where are you? You could at least send back a reply. I want to hear your voice again. Some days, that's the only thing that gives me strength to keep fighting. I miss you so much!

   Please answer soon!

   Message 4:

    R2 says I must have done something wrong and that you're mad at me. That's not true is it? Did I do something wrong? I don't want you to be mad at me. I just hope you're okay. I guess I'd rather you be mad at me than be in danger...

   Please message me Padme! I love you...

   Message 5:

   Padme! Why won't you pick up? Whatever I did wrong, trust me, I have no idea! Have mercy on me Padme! Answer my messages. Please. I can't stand the thought of you being in danger! Let me know you're okay. Please?

    Message 6:

    Padme, if this is some trick to get me to come home, please stop. I can't come home. And when I say that, I literally mean, I can't come home. Rex and the boys crashed the ship into a canyon during battle and we're stuck here until someone rescues us. I guess I should have brought that extra tunic because it's freezing here!

   Anyways Padme, please answer! I love you!

     Message 7: Padme, I'm worried about you! You haven't picked up for three weeks! What's going on?

    Message 8: Padme, I'm begging you; please answer! I need to know you are okay!

     Message 9: Padme, please this is my third message today! I'm worried sick about you!

     Message 10: Padme! I'm panicking! You haven't picked up and I don't know where you are! I can't sleep, haven't eaten a thing, and every minute it gets worse! If you get home, or get back from whatever is going on, please let me know! I'm dying without you Padme!

     Message 11: I'm sorry I'm not with you Padme! I'm sorry I haven't been the husband I should be! I've failed you Padme. I'm sorry...

    Message 12: Padme, I'm in agony without the peace of knowing you are okay! I would give my life to know that you are safe. I've reached out with the Force but I can sense nothing. I'm not strong enough without you Padme. You are the source of my strength. Without you, I am vulnerable. Without you, I will die. I love you Padme!

    Message 13: I can't take it Padme! Where are you? I need you! I need you!

    Message 14: Whoever is receiving this message right now, I don't care who you are, please just tell me where Senator Amidala is! Is she okay? I don't care if anyone knows my secret! Padme Amidala is my wife! I've broken the Jedi Code! I love her! And I don't care anymore! I'd give my life to know that she's alive! Please or I feel I will die! I-

   That's where I stopped playing the messages. It was too much. The minute he is in signal, I am messaging him! I can't believe the pain I've put him through! It frightens me how upset he gets.

   I want him to come home more than ever!

                                Love, Mrs. Skywalker + 1

P.S.- There were twenty more messages on the halo projector. I deleted them.

Love, Mrs. Skywalker + 1: The Final PagesWhere stories live. Discover now