The Aftermath of the USJ Incident

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After I returned home from school my grandparents knew something was up. I didn't want to explain it to them. I was still in shock. I didn't even know how to tell Hitoshi. I'm sure everyone will know soon enough I saw some news copters filming when the police had shown up. How do you tell the people you love that you were attacked by a villain who wanted to kill your teacher and had no problem killing you as well?

I grabbed some clothes, maybe a shower will help? I took them and a towel to the bathroom. I sat on the floor letting the water hit my back while I thought about the events. The day started just as normal as any other.

Then they walked in like they owned the place. Even for a bunch of low-level thugs there was planning done and that man with the hands was likely the mastermind since that monster that hurt Aizawa-Sensei and tried to kill All Might obeyed his commands. If it hadn't been for the teachers showing up when they did Midoriya might have gotten killed.

I let the water beat down my back until it ran cold. I turned it off and got out to throw on the change of clothes I had. When I walked back to my room my grandma informed me that we'd have a day off from school the next day. That's good I don't think I could handle anyone right now. I picked up my phone to see another text from Hitoshi. I didn't bother to even open them I didn't know what to say without worrying him but I'm sure he's worried anyways since he texted me they were evacuated shortly after the teachers left.

I was so drained from the day I'd used my quirk to take out some of the villains as well as tried to help anyone I saw. I laid down face first and had a dreamless night.

The next morning I was feeling a bit better and I walked out to look for food since I hadn't eaten since Lunch yesterday. I passed by the living room where my grandparents were watching the news... about the USJ.

"Your class was attacked!" My grandma nearly screeched when she heard me walk out. This is exactly what I was attempting to avoid. Please, don't have let Hitoshi or his parents have seen this but I know they will.

"..." I didn't know how to respond without making her worry more.

"Hon, calm down," My grandpa tried.

"You better have kicked some ass," She smirked... certainly not the reaction I was expecting and I could tell my grandpa was just as confused.

"Wait, what?" Both my grandpa and I questioned.

"I trained her well if she better have kicked a little ass she is planning to be a hero in three years after all."

"I'm just going to get some food," I said walking into the kitchen. So she wasn't worried? Or maybe she was and was hiding it...? I made something simple and quickly ate it before returning to my room. I sat down at my desk I knew I had to tell him... Maybe he'll be like my grandma but probably not now... I sighed just as my door burst open I turned to see him

"So were you going to tell me?" He asked.

"I was..." I mumbled


"I don't know..." I could stop thinking about everything I'd witnessed yesterday from Aizawa-sensei being rushed off to the hospital and the thing trying to kill All Might, it was terrifying. I suddenly felt two arms wrap around me and looked to see Hitoshi hugging me his face buried in my shoulder. "Hitoshi..."

"I was worried about you don't do that again please..." He wasn't angry, I was so happy. "But don't take this to mean I'd go easy on your class during the sports festival," He said with a smile and we both busted out laughing. 

A/n: So I started listening to a song and I think I have a BNHA idea for a Pirate AU with one of our lucky dudes who do you think it should be? 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2019 ⏰

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