Mock battles

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That night Hitoshi and I finally talked about what happened, he was more upset in himself that he'd failed the exam, and he was happy I didn't just give up on him altogether, but he planned to make his stance at the sports festival.

The next day we were walking to school together talking about class. I told him what our syllabus said, and that we were told we'd be doing some hero training today.

"Which design did you end up going with?" He asked. Last year we'd attempted to sketch out prototype costume designs for both ourselves and each other and it was kind of fun.

"I went with one of the ones you helped me do with some tweaks to make my movements easier. As well as access to use my quirk," I told him he smiled a bit.

"So we can meet at lunch?" He asked.

"Totally," I said.

"I'll see you then," He kissed my cheek before going to his class and I went to mine.

"Hey! (L/n)-san!" I heard a loud voice call. I turned to see Ashido followed by the other two.

"We were wondering if you wanted to eat lunch with us," Sero asked.

"Oh, maybe another day? I was going to eat with my boyfriend today." I spoke.

"You have a boyfriend! Tell me everything," Mina grabbed my arm.

"You can invite him too," Kirishima offered.

"Maybe not right now," I said sheepishly. "But soon maybe," I said.

"Awe okay," Kirishima said.

"So how'd you two meet, who asked who out I want to know everything!"

"Mina, don't you think it's a bit personal to ask all that right now?" Kirishima tried.

"You never let me have fun," She pouted.

"It's okay, we met on our first day of middle school and I did actually," I said. When it was finally lunch I was amazed by how big the cafeteria was and almost felt like I'd never be able to find Hitoshi. I was kind of right since he found me and brought me to a table in the back that had other students at it but they didn't pay attention to us.

"How were morning classes?" I asked.

"Always boring." He yawned.

"Present Mic's English lecture was pretty boring too," I said remembering how everyone was zoned out. "So some kids from my class offered to let us eat lunch with them," I told him.

"Who?" He asked. I took a look around when I noticed Mina peaking over one of the decorative bushes looking at us.

"The girl who thinks she being sneaky trying to spy on us and her friends," I pointed her out with a nod.

"Probably not, but you can hang with them," He said.

"I told them a rain check for another day since I wanted to eat with you," I smiled at him. He pulled me close as we ate. When lunch was over I gave him a quick kiss before going to my class that was with All Might today, I was very excited and couldn't wait. He opened the door and was in one of his old costumes.

"I AM HERE! Coming through the door like a superhero!" He leaned in before proudly strutting up to the podium, and you could hear the awes from the students. "Welcome to hero basics, think of this as hero 101 where you learn exactly what it takes to be a hero. Today's lesson is battle training!" A panel opened to reveal boxes with numbers on them. Our costumes. I was excited.

I grabbed my costume and followed the other girls to change yet again.

"(L/n) You and your boyfriend are soooo cute!" Ashido squealed. Thankfully the other girls weren't paying attention to us since we'd yet to enter the changing room.

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